Search Result for “car park”

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Is Leipzig set to be the new Berlin?

B Magazine, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 02/07/2017

» 'Why don't you check out the Spinnerei? My son and I go there a lot," said a man who was hanging out with his young son by the canal, as I asked him for directions to the old industrial part of Leipzig, the largest city in Saxony, Germany.



Bike babes

Muse, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 19/10/2013

» Donning her shirt dress, high heels, light make-up and perfect hairdo with a flowery hair pin, Chada Wannapong was ready for the Bangkok Bike Chic ride in the city.



Tall in the saddle

Muse, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 21/09/2013

» Standing in line alongside her male comrades, Sirirat Thongthipa barely reaches the height of their shoulders. Dressed in an all-black uniform, the 151cm-tall woman with medium build is, however, standing proud as the only female in the Bike Patrol Volunteer group in Ayutthaya province.



I want to ride my bicycle

Life, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 27/08/2013

» Amsterdam first started it in the 1960s. Copenhagen followed. Decades later, Paris joined the bandwagon, followed by London, Melbourne and cities in China. New York got its own version in place earlier this year.



Wheels within wheels

Life, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 27/02/2013

» Bicycles have never been sexy in the eyes of candidates for Bangkok governor - but that all changed with this election. In their race for votes, candidates are all-too-often seen mingling with citizens on public buses, visiting markets, or helping the underprivileged. This time around, they are testing their mettle with the pedals, as the two-wheeled mode of transport has become the latest fashion in photo opportunities. Some candidates embraced the bike to the point they promised to pedal to the office, if elected.


Crafty designs

Life, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 05/11/2012

» Talking about design, people tend to think of short-lived fashionable object from the modern world. But for Outofstock _ a rising designer group in Singapore _ design is rooted in the old crafts.



Cycle of evolution

Life, Sirinya Wattanasukchai, Published on 04/10/2012

» The sight of several thousand cyclists gathering on Bangkok streets might be unthinkable. But what seemed beyond imagination became reality when over 14,000 cyclists turned up in force in a campaign to mark the recent Bangkok Car-Free Day.