Search Result for “car park”

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Properly playful

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 31/05/2024

» 'I'd probably just die one day on the job!" is what Sir Paul Smith says when asked if he is ever looking to retire. "Not today I hope, although it is quite comfortable on this sofa. When I retire would be when I feel like I can't contribute to the business any more. But at the moment, I hope and still think I can contribute. Or you can ask Michael [from my team], I'll keep my ears closed."



An urban oasis

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 30/04/2021

» The thing about the Sretsis fashion brand is that they are not only lauded for their clothes but also for magnificent retail spaces that make a trip to their stores a dreamy visit to the galaxy of Victorian fairy tales, among other fanciful backdrops. As the brand's universe has creatively widened in the past few years, the name has grown to encompass food and beverage (a fine tea parlour), home décor (wallpaper with fantastical beasts) and dining ware (ceramic unicorn candle holders). Earlier this month, the three Sukhahuta sisters unveiled a home -- completely fashioned in the Sretsis style -- for anyone who wants to live in the whimsical flair the brand is so well known for.



A heart-racing time at the track

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 28/09/2018

» Locals say The Fullerton is where the best view is when it comes to the Formula 1 races held in Singapore, but, to be honest, a 360 view has nothing on being near the vroom-ing roar of engines, right at the heart of the happening. Unless you were to throw a party for 40 in your suite's veranda, it's probably a better idea to splash on getting actual tickets to the event than paying five times the usual room rates. For a first-timer to this whole night-race experience and F1 weekend in Singapore, there is nothing quite as infectious as the collective gasps and cheers every time a race car zooms by or how one derives guilty pleasure when witnessing a crash.



A touch of class

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 26/05/2017

» We all have problems, but your super red arowana aquarium fish being too drowsy to entertain your house guests because it just returned from getting a facelift or being locked out of inheriting a 64 acre palatial estate in the heart of Singapore would surely only qualify as "rich people problems".



Riding high in the simulated Wild West

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 05/12/2016

» Looking all parts American perfection and stomaching spicy dishes surprisingly well (according to his bodyguard) for a first-timer in Singapore, James Marsden was in the Lion City last week to promote the season finale of HBO's Westworld. As the human equivalent of goodness and sunshine, it becomes apparent that the Hollywood dreamboat is fittingly well-known for his nice-guy roles (in X-Men, The Notebook, Enchanted, Hairspray) because he is also such a person in real life. In fact, it all feels satisfyingly in-character when the 43-year-old admits that he loves Frank Capra movies and that the violence in Westworld isn't gratuitous.



Expanding borders

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 21/10/2016

» The mention of Ladurée conjures up pastel-tinted dreams of magnificent macarons and dainty desserts all in a Rococo fairy tale ambience. Men who need a real meal may dismiss it as a French bonbon, but be reluctant no more -- the tearoom has just recently celebrated its launch of a dining menu, with savoury delicacies that will fill you up the way a proper meal should. For an establishment better known for their sweets, Ladurée Salon De Thé offers quite a few surprises up its lacy sleeves: this being an immensely fresh produce and influences beyond French fare touching on some dishes.