Search Result for “business operators”

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Robinhood set to extend reach into OTA services

Business, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 27/05/2021

» Online food delivery service provider Robinhood has vowed to double its investment budget to 300 million baht this year as it expands its reach into online travel agent (OTA) services.



A new way of thought during unusual times

Business, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 30/07/2020

» Amid the pandemic and digital disruption, businesses need to create a "value proposition" by considering the three P's -- profit, people and planet -- as core values and embrace the "above-the-ocean strategy" (AOS) for resilience, says a brand specialist.


Experts encourage early adoption at SME seminar

Business, Published on 31/10/2019

» Experts say Thailand needs to ride the wave of 5G technology to prevent the country from lagging behind others over the next decade, while business operators must embrace advanced tech in order to survive in a competitive market.


Line, Workpoint launch combined rating format

Business, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 24/05/2019

» Line Thailand and Workpoint Entertainment Plc have collaborated to introduce the "combined reach rating", a measure that combines user viewership of both online and offline platforms for advertising agencies to maximise ad spending and increase revenue sources for content owners.



Personal privacy in the balance

Business, Published on 11/03/2019

» Data is hailed as the new "oil" of the 21st century, with digitalisation changing the landscape across every segment of society and business. When valuable and personal data can be exploited for personal or corporate gain, there is a need to ensure that personal information is well protected from fraud and mischief.



Beyond digital payment

Asia focus, Published on 04/02/2019

» The way we pay for things has evolved rapidly in recent years. Even carrying a physical wallet containing cash and cards is no longer essential when a smartphone or biometric recognition can be used to complete a transaction.



Ban on trans fat could boost palm oil

Business, Published on 04/01/2018

» The proposed ban on trans fat will force restaurants and cooking oil makers to modify their products, but the change may be a boon to the palm oil sector, an industry heavily supported by the government's Palm Oil and Palm Oil Industries Development Strategy.



Prosperity on the menu

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 23/10/2017

» Food processing can be a mutually beneficial industry for Thailand and India where the former, as the Kitchen of the World, can support the latter's ambition to become the Market of the World, say Indian officials.



Billionaires play big in digital TV game

Business, Nanat Suchiva, Published on 04/09/2017

» The media business and billionaires seem to attract each other.



NBTC eases up pressure on OTT

Business, Komsan Tortermvasana, Published on 04/07/2017

» The national telecom regulator is pulling a U-turn on its registration rules as it tries to increase compliance of recalcitrant over-the-top (OTT) companies.