Search Result for “business news”

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Why organisational health matters

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 29/02/2016

» Like a human being, an organisation has a life cycle from birth, infancy and youth to mid-life, maturity, decay or death. However, unlike those of humans, changes in organisational life cycles are not necessarily linked to the ageing process, but rather depend on the capacity of leadership to reinvent or restructure the organisation when needed.



Being a boss: are you managing or leading?

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 22/02/2016

» One of the most critical and valuable traits of being someone's boss is the ability to reflect on your own behaviour and performance and learn from it. This article will let you do just that by sharing some indicators to help you distinguish whether you are a manager or a leader.



We need leaders with emotional intelligence

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 15/02/2016

» I once wrote an article about how people with outstanding academic achievement or technical brilliance can easily get hired, but brilliance will get them nowhere if they lack emotional intelligence and the ability to build strong working relationships. This is especially true in today’s highly competitive world where organisations rely heavily on interdependence to stay ahead of the game.



Future-proof your workplace with talent management and succession planning

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 08/02/2016

» More successful businesses are embracing succession planning to deepen their employee bench strength and ensure they have top talent at every level of the company. At the same time, succession planning is intended to ensure that an organisation can meet its future needs for people.



Let’s Change for the Better

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 01/02/2016

» To become a high performance organisation, one must escape from the mere 'okay' stage. When business is simply doing okay, it is not moving forward or advancing. It is not being innovative.



Becoming a talent-magnet organisation

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 25/01/2016

» The most critical asset in any organisation is having the right people — the talented and capable ones with endless potential to drive or move your company forward.



Time to revisit the work-life balance dilemma

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 18/01/2016

» “Work-life balance” is a buzz phrase that we hear in the forefront of many discussions at both the individual and corporate levels these days. It even gets Googled an average of 50,000 times per month. But despite all the discussion, the concept embodied in the phrase is rarely lived up to in the modern workplace.



Four leadership resolutions that will change your business in 2016

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 11/01/2016

» Like most people, you’ve just completed your first big week back in the office after the holidays. You are also 11 days into New Year resolutions, goals, objectives, promises to yourself or commitments — whatever you would like to call them. Sad but true, many of you will abandon all of these by mid-January.



Ready, set, go! Get yourself ready for 2016 with the can-do attitude

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 04/01/2016

» 2016 is finally here! I’ve been contemplating what my first article of the year should be about. Should it be something light or a something more serious? I finally decided to write something in between.



Rethinking talent management

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 28/12/2015

» It’s finally the last week of 2015. The end of each year tends to bring thoughts of successes and failures, beginning and endings that have occurred in the passing year as well as those that came before.