Search Result for “business news”

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Turning the generation gap into a competitive edge

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 23/05/2016

» The generation gap is hardly unique to Thailand, but our country also faces another major generational challenge as it is rapidly becoming an ageing society. By 2040, Thailand is expected to have 17 million people aged 60 or over, or 25% of the population, compared with 13% in 2014. In other words, out of every four Thais will be a senior citizen, according to the World Population Ageing 1950-2050 Report by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.



Experiential Learning: the innovative and sustainable way to change behaviour

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 16/05/2016

» We have to admit that classroom learning and training alone might not work anymore in the context of the modern business organisation. I’m not saying that they are not effective; instead, I’d say the results are not sustainable enough. What are the reasons? Here are some of the examples.



Maximise your business performance with solution-focused conversation

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 09/05/2016

» With the speed of change in business today, markets and workforces are constantly evolving and changing. Your people, as the core assets in the organisation, need to be more productive and efficient than ever to ensure that your company can succeed and thrive.



Keep up with Gen Y to keep them thriving in your organisation

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 25/04/2016

» Millennials have become the lifeblood of most organisations now that they are becoming the biggest proportion in the workforce. Regardless of the business you are in, this trend is unstoppable and it requires great understanding to develop and apply the special strategies needed to attract, develop and retain people from the new generation.



Leading with a warm heart to win people and drive business results

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 18/04/2016

» Let’s face it, some of us choose to become entrepreneurs in the first place to escape a bad boss. You know the type: the one who humiliates you in front of your peers, or the one who sends you a one-sentence email telling you that the projects on which you’ve spent countless sleepless hours totally suck, yet never provides any useful or critical feedback.



Developing a culture of innovation

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 04/04/2016

» During the recent event I attended, “4 Views Drive: Organisation. Leader. Sustain”, one of the crucial capabilities participants agreed on was the ability to lead with flexibility, to be able to improvise and innovate, in order to build business sustainability. In many ways, it seems strange that this particular capability is needed. We all know that Thailand has a rich history of being innovative, of finding ways to get by with what we have available.



The leader’s greatest lesson: building resilience to overcome uncertainty

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 28/03/2016

» If there is one certainty in this world, that would be change. In fact, the pace of change is ever-increasing as time passes. With change comes ambiguity and complexity, and possibly stress. So when change is here to stay, I’d say leaders need to learn how to lead people through it with resilience.



Stimulate business sustainability through communication

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 21/03/2016

» A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to host and speak at an event titled “4 Views Drive: Organisation. Leader. Sustain.” The aim was to share beneficial knowledge and practical solutions with those seeking to apply organisational sustainable development. It is safe to say that in the world we’re currently living in, mere success is no longer the ultimate goal to which we aspire; instead, sustainable success is the preferred route.



Agility: the key to building tomorrow’s leaders

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 14/03/2016

» Today’s leaders are facing new kinds of challenges every day. Not only do they have to confront continuing economic uncertainty and geopolitical instability, but also they must navigate an increasingly complex global marketplace with a growing multi-generational workforce.



An endless journey of continuous learning: a critical lesson for leaders

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 07/03/2016

» One of the most underlined and passed-along quotations from leaders that I know of comes from Mahatma Gandhi: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Unfortunately, there is too much evidence of leaders all around the world who failed to live by this maxim; hence, the downfall and decline of their organisations.