Search Result for “business news”

Showing 71 - 80 of 226



Change your mindset, achieve breakthrough results

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 27/03/2017

» Becoming a leader is hard, but remaining in the position and acquiring adequate leadership capabilities is even more challenging.



Prevent your best talents from slipping away

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 20/03/2017

» Losing talent has always been one of the biggest fears a company can experience. This is why many are now adopting preemptive intervention strategies to deal with employees’ wandering eyes, rather than waiting for some of their talents to get an offer and then trying to keep them by making a counteroffer.



Adopting an outward mindset for business sustainability

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 13/03/2017

» Millennials are now the largest segment of the workforce, overtaking Gen X and the Baby Boomers, while a new crop of Gen Z workers is also starting to enter the picture. This generational shift in the workplace is moving at warp speed.



The secret guide to leading through disruptive change

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 06/03/2017

» It’s no exaggeration to say that change is now the new normal. Moreover, business is becoming ever more complex and moving at greater speed, yet not many leaders feel that their organisations are adjusting or preparing fast enough to handle the next level of change and complexity they are facing.



Confronting the talent challenges

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 27/02/2017

» Truth to be told, the most important asset in an organisation isn’t something you can put your hands on. It isn’t equipment or the physical plant, nor data or technology. It is your human capital.



In the war for talent, spotting potential is the key

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 20/02/2017

» We are now in an era where society and technology are advancing faster than businesses can naturally adapt. Business has become more unpredictable and complex, and employment markets can’t produce people with the right qualifications and experiences fast enough.



The talent landscape in the disruptive era

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 06/02/2017

» Since the beginning of this year, I’ve been talking a lot about the impact of disruptive change and how it has permeated every aspect of our lives. In this article, I’d like to focus on one particular area that has been greatly affected by this dramatic change, and that is the workforce.



Fostering a disruptive culture

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 30/01/2017

» As we approach the end of January, many business leaders are still trying to get the hang of the disruptive new year. Perhaps the greatest challenge they face today is how to remain competitive amid constant turbulence and disruption.



Embracing disruption to become disruptive leaders

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 16/01/2017

» In the world we’re living in today, if we’re not disrupting ourselves, we will soon be disrupted. In other words, making a change <i>before</i> we have to is a much better path to take than making a change <i>because</i> we have to.



Change your game to stay in the game

Arinya Talerngsri, Published on 09/01/2017

» In my last article, I mentioned that this year would be a disruptive time for all businesses should they wish to stay relevant. In fact, the world we’re living is in a state of constant turbulence.