Search Result for “bangkok”

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Vaccines in development hit 70, deaths top 114,000: Virus update

Bloomberg News, Published on 13/04/2020

» Seventy coronavirus vaccines are in development globally, with three already being tested in human trials, the World Health Organization said. The northeastern Chinese city of Harbin tightened rules to curb the spread of the virus.



Spain, Germany cases rise; UK PM remains in ICU: Virus update

Published on 08/04/2020

» Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the start of a turnaround in the fight against the virus could come after this week.



Markets rise as deaths slow in hotspots: Virus update

Published on 06/04/2020

» Germany and Spain reported lower numbers of new cases, a tentative sign that lockdown measures are easing the outbreak.



Europe tightens curbs with economic toll worsening: Virus update

Published on 17/03/2020

» Governments in Europe tightened curbs on free movement to stem the outbreak and are exploring ways to ease the financial impact. US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is rallying Senate Republicans to quickly pass the House package of economic measures. Goldman Sachs Group now expects China’s economy to contract by 9% in the first quarter and Hong Kong’s jobless rate rose to a nine-year high. The Philippines became the first country to shut its markets in response to the widening coronavirus outbreak and some regulators in Europe banned short selling. US equity futures and European stocks reversed gains.



Italy tests lockdown; global cases near 110,000: Virus update

Published on 09/03/2020

» Italy started its first working day after a government decree sought to curb movement within the country’s financial hub. Germany plans to boost investment to help its economy and the Trump administration is drafting measures to blunt the economic fallout from the outbreak.



Singapore spin cycle: Trump, Kim prepare for nuclear summit

Published on 11/06/2018

» SINGAPORE: Two days after arguing with western allies at the G-7 summit over trade, President Trump is prepared to declare victory in talks with nuclear-armed North Korea - regardless of what happens.


China slaps retaliatory tariffs on 128 US imports (video)

AFP, Published on 02/04/2018

» BEIJING - China on Monday imposed new tariffs on 128 US imports worth $3 billion, including fruits and pork, in retaliation to US duties on steel and aluminium, fuelling fears of a trade war.



Myanmar sees rise in tourism despite Rohingya crisis

Bloomberg News, Published on 22/02/2018

» Myanmar tourist arrivals rose 18% last year to 3.44 million visitors, despite international condemnation over the treatment of its Rohingya Muslim population.



Supreme Court forces nationalism into movie theatres

News, Noah Feldman, Published on 05/12/2016

» Amid rising Hindu nationalism, the Supreme Court of India has ordered theatres to play the national anthem before films and directed moviegoers to stand at attention -- no excuses. The Indian constitution is a wonder of the world, but this decision undercuts free-speech and individual rights at a moment when the country can ill-afford it. The court, which has the final word in interpreting the constitution, can still reverse itself. And it should, because the court's job is to protect rights, not to impose duties and obligations when the legislature has not done so.



Women seen as effective suicide bombers

News, Tobin Harshaw, Published on 12/04/2016

» On a list of history's most notorious assassins, alongside John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald and Gavrilo Princip, the name Thenmozhi Rajaratnam would probably draw mostly blank stares. But in her way, the Tamil Tiger terrorist -- who blew up herself, the Indian leader Rajiv Gandhi and 13 others in May 1991 -- has perhaps had the largest lasting influence.