Search Result for “baht net”

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Life after the eventual Fed rate hike

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 25/09/2015

» People often ask me what will happen to the value of the baht. After the US Federal Reserve's decision to hold back from raising interest rates last week, the questions have only increased. The Thai currency has depreciated a lot this year, falling by 9.57%, much more than the often-talked-about yuan devaluation, which sent that currency declining by only 2.75% so far this year. We are, however, not alone in this devaluation trend. Malaysia and Indonesia have seen their currencies tumble as much as 23% and 17.5%, respectively.


Reducing inequality does not necessarily equal taxing the dead 

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 28/11/2014

» One of the most talked about topics these days is the inheritance tax. Last week, the cabinet approved in principle the draft inheritance tax bill, which has yet to go to the National Legislative Assembly. If it is passed, inheritances worth more than 50 million baht will be taxed.


No degree, no problem: Follow the road to riches

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 25/04/2014

» This is probably one of the hottest months we have experienced and my electricity bill is rising rapidly with the temperature. In fact, I seem to have had a lot of expenses lately, especially paying for services of non-college workers.


Investing in fundamentals

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 30/03/2012

» Life is too good to be true lately. I have been able to see many old friends and relatives after not being in touch for a long time. Hanging out with people who truly matter to you is great in this chaotic modern world.