Search Result for “attack”

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Guru's Weekly Pick: Sep 29-Oct 5

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 28/09/2017

» Every week, we sift through tonnes of activities, shows, art exhibitions and things to do. Here is our especially curated list of what's hot this week in Bangkok and beyond. Enjoy!



A good old-fashioned melee

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 17/06/2016

» Sire, there's a battle brewing in Nonthaburi! And I, your humble serf, have embarked on a long and arduous (taxi) journey to reach the Medieval Village in Bang Yai to witness the melee miself. Milords and miladies, allow me to present thee 10 things thou should know before joining a medieval battle there.


Guru's songkran games

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 15/04/2016

» By now, you probably have either already been soaked head to toe many times over, doused with water by an elephant, or you haven't left home since Wednesday. But, hey, if you're up for some fun with a sensible amount of wetness with your friends and family, boy, do we have something for you. We're sending off the last day of Songkran Festival with our three party games to be enjoyed with your loved ones. Happy Thai New Year, everyone!



Guru award 2015

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 11/12/2015

» Regardless of how you feel about 2015, you can't deny it has been a memorable year. As 2015 will soon wrap up, many media outlets will be coming up with their lists of this year's highlights. Esteemed publication that we are, Guru presents the second Guru Awards, commemorating the good, the bad and the quirky of 2015.



Weighing in

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 03/01/2014

» During Xmas and New Year, chances are you indulged in some binging and are now thinking about wearing a turtleneck so no one notices your second chin. Since no human being could (or should) wear a turtleneck for the rest of 2014, we suggest you get serious about getting into shape and a healthy state of mind through various types of exercise available in this city. We hope our selections help you shed some of the kilos you’ve accumulated.



Happy diner days

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 31/05/2013

» Even if you have never set foot in a diner on American soil, you probably still have a vague idea of what such a place looks like from watching Hollywood movies. It can be a place where you might find secret agents whose work is monitoring extraterrestrial activities a la Men In Black. It can be a location where people possessed by demons attack the saviour of mankind a la Legion.



In search of harmonised flavours

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 26/04/2013

» Are you an ox, dragon, tiger, goat, or pig person? No, we aren't asking if you have these animals as some kind of exotic pet (however, if you do have a pet dragon, please contact us because we want to be your friend). We're talking about what animal year you were born into according to the Chinese zodiac.


Jobs gone wrong

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 08/03/2013

» Work can be a pain in the ass (well, provided you actually have to work for a living). Not only do we have to wake up at an ungodly hour every morning, we're expected to put on pants, brave traffic and/or smelly commuters, suck up to the boss, deal with other people, and actually get stuff done on a daily basis. And on top of all that... we're expected to maintain an air of professionalism the whole way through!


No-Fuss Ninja nosh

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 27/07/2012

» Have you ever wondered what kind of diet ninjas are on that allows them to walk on water, transform into big frogs, jump over a tree, and do all that superhuman jazz?


Consumers Unite!

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 06/01/2012

» What do you do when sen lek arrives at your table instead of the sen yai that you ordered? What will you do in protest when dtac's service inevitably goes down again? How about taxi drivers who won't take you to your destination unless you accompany them on a joyride to a gem store first?