Search Result for “assassination”

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Ravens' feast

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 27/12/2018

» This reviewer's understanding of historical novels is that the authors do historical research on their topic, using actual figures and imaginary ones where need-be, to write essentially factual and hopefully interesting stories. But not all historical novelists follow this form. Some are more concerned about their own largely fictitious story than the actual events behind it.



Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 15/06/2018

» When a popular author passes away, his/her estate seeks a replacement to keep generating income. Hopefully, one who can step into the shoes with nary a squeak. Alas, there have been more than a few squeaks and the replacement -- a competent scribe for the stories he's accustomed to writing -- is unable to make the change. The estate may try others with the same result.


Book reviews

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 29/03/2018

» A desert thriller



The midlife crisis

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 09/03/2018

» What newlyweds with stars in their eyes aren't told by their elders is that there will be speed bumps in the marriage. One of the more common is the so-called seven-year-itch. The figure is approximate and refers to either or both parties being irresistibly drawn to others several years into a relationship. Usually he or she does nothing about -- but if they do, they take lovers.


A treaty for peace

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 23/11/2017

» Following the two-decade-long Napoleonic Wars, Europe, not least France, licked its wounds and agreed "never again". Then they set about making a lasting peace. They felt able to do it. It was the Age of Reason and they were was intelligent as one could be in 1815.



Hail and farewell

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 19/05/2017

» Contemporary historians are predictable -- penning book after book about Atlantis, ancient Rome, the Templars, World War II. But then a few looked at the calendar and the penny dropped. 2017. Isn't this the anniversary of something? Indeed. The Russian Revolution a century ago.


A Cold War thriller

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 26/01/2017

» The time was when visiting the USSR was difficult and leaving it impossible. Lenin and Stalin had built the ideal state and close contact with the outside world would only contaminate it. Until Hitler offered a deal they couldn't refuse -- to slice up Poland between them.



Tackling IS

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 21/10/2016

» After a delay that has tried my patience, this reviewer congratulates Britain's Stephen Leather for coming through for us. For half-a-decade authors have given IS (Islamic State) a wide berth, aware of their practice of murdering those disparaging their faith. Unlike suicide bombers, they have every intention of fleeing the scenes of their atrocities.



Jack the lad

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 16/09/2016

» It is common practice that when a popular author passes away, his estate seeks a replacement to step into his shoes. The new man is expected to emulate the original style to the extent possible. If notes have been left for future plots, so much the better.


A paranoid profession

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 22/08/2016

» Children know what they want to be. It isn't difficult to see how they make their choices. Emulating a character in a movie, on TV, in the comics, some spend years pursuing that ambition, sometimes actually achieving it. Only to find that it's not all it's cracked up to be.