Search Result for “allowed”

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What's trending and happening this week

Muse, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 20/08/2016

» 1 Fashionistas the world over know of Yves Saint Laurent, the man hailed as the father of French fashion. From now until Aug 30, learn about the legendary designer's life and times at the Yves Saint Laurent: Birth Of A Legend photo exhibition, held at Siam Paragon's Hall of Fame on the M floor. Held in collaboration with the Embassy of France, the exhibition will feature 49 photographs taken at various stages of Saint Laurent's life, as well as a recreation of his work desk.



It's all go

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 15/08/2016

» Ever since its release on August 6, Pokemon Go has taken Thailand by storm, prompting hordes of enthusiastic players of all ages and genders to take to the streets in search of these virtual critters. It has also come with news of accidents (or near-accidents), a national security debate (seriously?), a ban threat (already denied) and academic seminars on the impact of the game on society.



A song of kings

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 28/06/2016

» Much like the National Anthem, Thailand's Royal Anthem, known as Pleng Sansoen Phra Barami, is an iconic tune that every Thai person knows by heart. Most commonly heard before the beginning of state occasions, movies, theatre or music performances, the cultural and musical significance of the Royal Anthem, which celebrates the monarch's glory, can't be understated.



Keeping up with the jonesin'

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 31/05/2016

» As we progress into an increasingly digitised world, online resources like social media and games will only become more prominent and accessible, as the cost of entry for these platforms continues to drop. Today, the sight of even a toddler poking and swiping away at an iPad has become commonplace, as technology continues to penetrate many aspects of life at all stages.



To Thailand by way of the world

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 27/05/2016

» When asked which photograph among his deep portfolio is his favourite, former chief photographer for the Associated Press of Southeast Asia David Longstreath recalled a picture he took of a boy standing in front of the chapel that held Mother Teresa's funeral in Calcutta, India.



The wisdom of crowds

Muse, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 30/04/2016

» Many will agree, having an idea isn't nearly as difficult as executing it effectively. Too often, good ideas are left to fade into obscurity simply because the people behind them lack the monetary or logistical support to properly turn their visions into reality -- whether it be for a product or a cause. In order to make sure these creative ideas and solutions get the chance they deserve, a group of artists and entrepreneurs have come together to create Asiola, a crowdfunding platform focusing on bringing people together in support of innovative ideas and social change.



Home and away

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 27/04/2016

» 'You never have to worry about where to sleep on your travels ever again," said Somsak Siyano.



Face of a survivor

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 12/01/2016

» At first glance, few people would ever expect 51-year-old taxi driver Subin Samart to be as happy as he is today. Subin's story made waves on social media late last year when a photo of him was posted by one of his sympathetic passengers, accompanied by his story of rejection from various jobs and passengers due to his disfigured face, the result of a childhood accident when he was five years old. This attention has earned him the support of various organisations, most recently GrabTaxi, which late last year approached Subin to recruit him as a driver.


Crafted with TLC

Muse, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 09/01/2016

» Do you love bicycles? Do you love them enough that you’d be excited to learn about the history of bicycles, and how they have been crafted, designed and improved upon over the past century? If you answered yes on both fronts (more importantly the second one), then you’ll really get a kick out of Jan Heine and Jean-Pierre Pradères’ The Golden Age Of Handbuilt Bicycles.



The Force has indeed awoken

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 17/12/2015

» I regretted attending the press screening of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens the moment the iconic Star Wars logo burst onto the screen. Not because I have anything against Star Wars, or that I didn't think the movie was going to be awesome. Quite the contrary, in fact. My regret lies in the fact that I'm not watching this movie at home, alone, where my inner geek can scream and cheer at the triumphant return of what is perhaps one of the most important cinematic universes in pop-culture history.