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Into the future

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 27/08/2021

» Here's something to rattle your brain: we're now past the halfway point of 2021. It's hard to count days when we find ourselves stuck indoors on an endless loop of never-ending Covid cases, a government that denies reality and protests from people who are fed up and tired of all the crap happening around them.



Staycationing in style

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 14/08/2020

» Domestic travel has opened up and some semblance of travelling is finally back. A trip to Phuket or a drive to Hua Hin is all good and fun but for some of us, we may be running short on funds or we really just don't have the time to make any sort of trip. Perhaps it's too much of a hassle to fly or to drive, but that doesn't mean we don't want to get away for a bit of R&R and spend an entire day in bed.



The 2020 Guru awards

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 31/01/2020

» We know it's the last day of January -- and if you weren't aware, it's February tomorrow -- but as a tweet said, we'll consider January the free-trial period and start 2020 properly on the first day of February. A bunch of stuff has already happened, not all of them good, but before we move ahead and put the past behind us, Guru would like to take one last look at the year that was. "The Guru Awards" have been held for the past two years but so much has happened that we decided it would be best to do a full feature in 2019 instead of just a few paragraphs in the Editor's Note. Seeing that the Academy Awards are also coming up, we couldn't think of a better time to give out our snarky, passive-aggressive accolades. So, ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to welcome you the 2020 Guru Awards -- no monologues, no opening numbers from Neil Patrick Harris. Just pure unadulterated cynicism.



Welcoming a new decade!

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/01/2020

» For those of you who may have missed it, we are in a new decade. Yes, you read that right. No, you are not hallucinating. Yes, we are all old. Welcome to the beginning of the 2020s where films like Back To The Future and Blade Runner are not just classics but the future worlds depicted in them are now effectively in the past; where years like 2050 and 2060 no longer sound ridiculous like they did back in the early 2000s and where those born in 2000 are 20 years old. It's a lot to take in, that's for sure. With every new year also comes the declarations of "New year, new me" posted all over social media and vocally announced at dinner tables everywhere. Resolutions are made and kept for a good two weeks or so before being thrown out the window. So instead of trying to expect things to happen that we aren't even sure will happen, let's take a look at the stuff that we're fairly certain will happen this year. Here's a couple of things to look forward to this 2020.



Holiday party essentials

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 20/12/2019

» Like most holiday seasons (we have a few in Thailand), this is a time for celebration, a time for giving and getting together with friends and loved ones. Whether it's for a classy Christmas dinner with the grandparents and all the relatives or a rowdy night out with the pals on New Year's Eve, you're bound to have lots of parties and get-togethers. Though you may be looking forward to the parties, there may be things stressing you out: What if your friends choose to party at a place that's really far where traffic is horrible? What if you have multiple get-togethers on one day and can't go home for an outfit change between events?What if you have nothing to wear to all these parties but even if you did, you don't have the budget for it? 'Tis the season and at Guru we are all about reducing your stress. We've got stuff that can help you out.



Team Thailand

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 12/10/2018

» Us living in Bangkok may be accustomed to complaining about the various things we experience on a daily basis, whether it be heavy traffic, the absence of law-abiding drivers, taxi rejections or the crowded streets and trains. And while these grumblings are founded and you have the right to complain (because we do too), there are things that we should be proud of in the Big Mango and Thailand. As evidenced by this list, plenty of accolades have been lavished to Bangkok or Thailand, and sometimes we have to put aside our jadedness to realise that we're living in a pretty great place. Just recently, Bangkok was named one of the top destinations in the world by Mastercard and was also named "the least unhappy country" by the Bloomberg Misery Index. So this week, we've done what we thought was impossible: we're putting aside the snarkiness and sarcasm -- OK, maybe we're just lessening it a tad -- and listing the awards that have been bestowed upon Thailand. This is just so we learn to do what Eric Idle from Monty Python has been singing all these years: Always look on the bright side of life. That's wishful thinking though, we'll probably be back to our usual sarcastic selves in the next issue.



Summer checklist

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 06/04/2018

» The blistering heat and scorching sun has made it evident that summer is upon us. The bad news is that it's likely to get hotter from here on. The good news is that the city is going to be an all-out water war zone in a few weeks. Aside from that, there are plenty of things to do during this summer. But if you're scatterbrained like us, can't organise yourself and will probably end up lounging on the couch eating a tub of ice cream (which is not a bad idea, actually), you can stop fretting. We've compiled a summer to-do list for you.