Search Result for “air conditioner”

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Wretched life of migrants building Senegal's city of the future

AFP, Published on 08/02/2023

» DIAMNIADIO (SENEGAL) - When Mohamed was hired at the construction site for the United Nations' new West Africa headquarters in Senegal, he was proud to say he would be working "not only for Africa, but for the world."



Rate of fatal US police shootings of unarmed Black people '3 times higher than for whites'

AFP, Published on 28/10/2020

» PARIS - US police officers shoot three times as many unarmed Black people as unarmed white people relative to their population size, according to a study published Wednesday on what researchers termed a "public health emergency".


Trump 'thank you' tour begins with low-key crowd

AFP, Published on 02/12/2016

» CINCINNATI - For the first event on his post-election "thank you" tour, US President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday drew a crowd of several thousand people to a Cincinnati arena -- but perhaps one that lacked the fervor seen at his campaign rallies.


Autonomous cars -- "new oil" or "big brother"?

AFP, Published on 18/11/2016

» LOS ANGELES - Just like credit cards, smartphones or search engines, autonomous cars will carry a trove of information about their owners as they make driving more comfortable, raising new concerns about privacy.


The day IS brought terror to a Kirkuk home

AFP, Published on 23/10/2016

» KIRKUK (IRAQ) - They burst into the house in the early hours of the morning and pointed a gun at Abu Mohammed's head: "We are the Islamic State -- give us your car!"


India's home auctioneers raise gavel on unwanted goods

AFP, Published on 05/10/2016

» NEW DELHI - On a scorching rooftop in a smart neighbourhood in the Indian capital, 40 Delhiites with an eye for a bargain peer over auction tables creaking with used, broken and half-eaten items, the front line of a thriving second-hand economy.


'Let him jump' say China netizens over fake suicide scam

AFP, Published on 29/10/2014

» BEIJING - A Chinese man staged repeated suicide attempts to extort cash, reports said on Wednesday, provoking some online commentators to applaud his business acumen, while others called on him to jump to his death.


Hollywood comes to Hong Kong for glitzy 'Transformers 4' premiere

AFP, Published on 19/06/2014

» Mark Wahlberg and the cast of the latest "Transformers" instalment brought Hollywood glamour to Hong Kong Thursday for the world premiere of the sci-fi movie which was partly shot in the city.


Malaysia jet probe spotlights DIY politico and groom-to-be

AFP, Published on 17/03/2014

» The cockpit crew now under scrutiny over Malaysia's missing airliner are a politically active captain who enjoyed cooking and home improvements, and a young co-pilot said to be engaged to his flight-school sweetheart.


Five babies a day left at Chinese city's 'baby hatch'

AFP, Published on 17/03/2014

» More than 260 unwanted children, most of them babies, have been abandoned in a Chinese "safe haven" in just over six weeks -- more than five a day -- since it opened in late January, authorities said.