Search Result for “Washington”

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Oscar's Asian face

Muse, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 03/03/2018

» It's the most glamorous event in the film industry. The annual Academy Awards ceremony is right around the corner, officially slated to take place on Monday morning Thai time. With so many quality films being nominated -- and the inevitable drama that unfolds with acceptance speeches every year -- this year's Academy Awards is shaping up to be an exciting one.



Finding space in the Spider-Man universe

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 07/07/2017

» From quizzes and club activities to agonising over an uninterested crush, the high-school experience is fraught with peril for the average teenager. When said teenager has superpowers, and desperately wants to impress Ironman so he can join the Avengers, things can get even trickier, as Peter Parker (Tom Holland) finds out in Spider-Man: Homecoming, the webslinger's solo-debut feature under Marvel's cinematic universe. Trading in the usual cataclysmic conflicts of Marvel's earlier films for a more personal story of responsibility (a Spider-Man staple) and maturity, Homecoming manages to feel like a fresh take on the (arguably) tired Marvel formula, being the best Spider-Man film since 2004's Spider-Man 2.



Let's get board

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 13/11/2015

» In a surprise revival, board games have enjoyed a new surge of popularity, testified by the rise of board game cafés and stores being opened everywhere in Thailand. There are at least 20 in Bangkok alone, with numerous more in cities like Chiang Mai, where there is a healthy population of expatriates and tourists.