Search Result for “US”

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Bismillah, Freddie will not let us go

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 02/11/2018

» Freddie Mercury, played with an earnest commitment bordering on fetishism by Rami Malek in the biographical film Bohemian Rhapsody, is a rock star the likes of which we hadn't seen before the 1970s and haven't since: An Asian frontman of a British rock outfit, a four-octave opera lover who sang in leotards and thongs, a proud organiser of orgiastic jamborees, and a gay man who endeared himself to the hard-rock audience that, in all likelihood in those pre-diversity days, either failed to realise that their mustachioed rock-god was out-and-out queer or suppressed their suspicion so completely that they didn't feel any cognitive dissonance in their devotion to Queen. Even the name Freddie gave the band laid it all bare.



Slow-burning terror

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 31/10/2018

» Gearing up for Paramount's remake of Pet Sematary next year, let's take a look at Stephen King's classic work from 1983 and one of the scariest horror stories ever told. Dr Louis Creed gets a new job and moves his family to the small town of Ludlow, Maine.



Scala shows a true horror classic

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 26/10/2018

» The mother (or daughter?) of all antichrist misdemeanours returns. On Oct 31 -- Halloween night -- The Exorcist will soil the Scala with its ineffaceable green puke, God-denouncing expletives and Satanic rebellion led by Linda Blair, strapped to her bed and yet still cussing, hurting, levitating.



Not the usual fare

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 19/10/2018

» Two idiosyncratic filmgoing options for fans of Thai cinema — one classic, one contemporary



Keeping it real

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 11/10/2018

» Boonsong Nakphoo keeps making movies, regardless of the obstacles. A champion of small people and small stories, he has lamented the difficulties of surviving in the movie business for years and yet he keeps churning out film after film, usually on a meagre budget. His latest output is now in cinemas: Nane Kradod Kampaeng (The Wall) recounts his own early struggle to make it as a filmmaker.



The many interpretations of bliss

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 08/10/2018

» With the monsoon comes the art. With the wind and bluster come the artists. Here it is, finally, after a year of fanfare and preparation. The first Bangkok Art Biennale 2018 (BAB 2018) will open on Oct 18 and run until next February in a city-wide surfeit of artistic affairs, from exhibitions to talks, workshops to pool parties (which is, of course, art!). The programme will keep Bangkokians and visitors busy for months starting from next week.



All eyes on Asia

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 05/10/2018

» Asia's premier cine-event took off last night. The 23rd Busan International Film Festival once again draws all attention to the South Korean port city as it hosts the annual showcase of films, especially Asian films. One part to promote the South Korean film industry -- a formidable machine of creativity and commerce -- and one part to reign as a centre of filmmaking activity in this part of the world, Busan has gone through some bumps, political and managerial, but remains steadfast in being in the biggest in Asia.



Two grainy fists for resurrection

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 04/10/2018

» Shot mostly in Thai prison, with a fair number of ex-cons as extras, A Prayer Before Dawn dives headfirst into the unfiltered squalor of prison life -- not the sociological or political dimension of state incarceration, but the physical, uncooked-meat kind of life in jail, particularly the Thai jail.



Hot from Toronto

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 21/09/2018

» Some highlights and award hopefuls from the film festival that will likely occupy the spotlight in the coming months



The pastoral romance returns

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 19/09/2018

» The star-crossed lovers coo. They ride their buffaloes through a verdant field, splash mud, evade spiteful parents, and make a vow at the shrine of the banyan tree. But their romance, like all memorable romances in books and life, is doomed by the circumstances of fate, tragic and scarred, and their destiny is one of the most heartbreaking in the canon of Siamese literature and film.