Search Result for “Trump”

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TPP leaders 'to seek accord without US'

Kyodo News, Published on 10/11/2017

» DANANG: The leaders of the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal will try to clinch a clear agreement Friday to implement it without the US, Japanese officials said.



Apec pre-summit talks stall on trade

Kyodo News, Published on 09/11/2017

» DANANG: Ministers from 21 Pacific Rim economies who were discussing free trade and regional economic cooperation failed Wednesday to agree on a joint statement and have decided to extend talks to Thursday, the Japanese government said.



Trump appoints defence chief to attend funeral

Kyodo News, Published on 21/10/2017

» WASHINGTON: US Defence Secretary Jim "Mad Dog" Mattis will attend the funeral ceremony of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej next week, the White House said Friday.


Trump to visit 5 Asian nations, skip Thailand

Kyodo News, Published on 30/09/2017

» WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump will travel to Asia, including Japan, South Korea and China, from Nov 3-14 as the United States steps up coordination with regional allies and partners in curbing the rising nuclear threat posed by North Korea, the White House said Friday.



Singapore teen blogger granted asylum, released in US

Kyodo News, Published on 27/09/2017

» Singaporean teen blogger Amos Yee, who was jailed twice in his home country for his social media postings, has been released from US custody after his bid for asylum was upheld by an immigration appeals court, his lawyer said Wednesday.



Moon, Trump agree on S. Korea getting military assets

Kyodo News, Published on 22/09/2017

» SEOUL: South Korean President Moon Jae In and US President Donald Trump have agreed on South Korea acquiring and developing high-tech military assets, Mr Moon's spokesman said in a statement Friday, amid growing tensions over North Korea's nuclear and missile programmes.



Outcry follows N.Korea's missile launch over Japan

Kyodo News, Published on 29/08/2017

» TOKYO -- North Korea fired a ballistic missile early Tuesday that flew over Japan's northernmost main island of Hokkaido before falling into the Pacific Ocean in defiance of international sanctions and criticism of Pyongyang's continued nuclear and missile development.



Xi calls for restraint in phone talks with Trump

Kyodo News, Published on 12/08/2017

» BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday called for restraint and stressed that the North Korea issue must be dealt with via peaceful means in a telephone conversation with US President Donald Trump, official media said.



IMF keeps world growth forecast at 3.5%

Kyodo News, Published on 24/07/2017

» WASHINGTON -- The International Monetary Fund maintained its world economic growth forecast at 3.5% this year and 3.6% next year, with upward revisions for Japan, China and other Asian emerging markets offsetting a downward projection for the United States.



Trump's claim Abe's wife cannot speak English generates buzz

Kyodo News, Published on 21/07/2017

» Whether or not Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's wife can speak English is making the rounds online after a New York Times report Wednesday quoted US President Donald Trump as claiming she cannot even say "hello”.