Search Result for “Taiwanese”

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The power of pride

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 31/10/2013

» Ihave just returned from my second visit to Taipei, a beautiful city with a lot to offer. Famed for its modernity, vibrant street life and political passion, Taipei holds another significance that not many Thais know about _ it is home to Asia's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parade.



Legalising love

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 26/03/2013

» Imagine if the person you love has passed away at a hospital but you are not allowed to retrieve the body. Imagine if the person you love is being hurt or abused but you are unable to press charges on their behalf. Imagine if you and the person you love have started a business together but when one of you dies, the other has no rights whatsoever to what you have built together.



Kaws and effect

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 14/03/2013

» After its re-launch, Bangkok's shopping destination Siam Center has made a successful comeback with chic interior design and a cutting-edge concept. To go with the new look, Siam Center is introducing "Siam Center World Art Collectors' Exhibition", a showcase to celebrate art and a chance for visitors to experience top-notch pieces brought to Bangkok from collectors' treasure troves.