Search Result for “Syria”

Showing 71 - 80 of 116


Subsidies under the knife

Asia focus, Nareerat Wiriyapong, Published on 17/11/2014

» Removing fuel price subsidies is a political hot potato for governments, given that doing so can push up the cost of living and has even caused riots in the past. But the current plunge in world oil prices has been a blessing for governments that have started to take the difficult step of nudging fuel prices up to market levels.


Economic headwinds threaten G20 growth pledge

AFP, Published on 12/11/2014

» G20 leaders will this weekend pledge to rev up combined growth by two trillion dollars but analysts are skeptical of success with key pistons of the global economic engine such as Germany and China starting to misfire, and Japan again at risk of going into reverse.


In season of sacrifice, Indonesians help fellow Muslims in Myanmar

Asia focus, Published on 13/10/2014

» In the name of Muslim solidarity, Indonesians this year sent some of the sacrificial animals they slaughtered for fellow Muslim Rohingya in Myanmar to celebrate the Eid al-Adha festival on Oct 5.


Globalisation under threat, warns Citi economist

Business, Chiratas Nivatpumin, Published on 29/09/2014

» Policymakers across the world will face growing challenges from the threat of secular economic stagnation in the advanced economies, especially in the euro area, demographic changes and a retreat from globalisation, according to Willem Buiter, the chief economist for Citigroup.



Thailand expects to keep lowest ranking

Business, Published on 09/09/2014

» Despite efforts by the junta and companies to deal with child labour and slavery allegations, it is highly likely Thailand will remain at the lowest level in the US human trafficking report next year.


The story the oil headlines are missing: China's hunt for resources affects prices

Business, Published on 23/08/2014

» Q. Several weeks ago American mainstream media headlines were awash with sensational news that the US had lifted the ban on crude oil exports, but in the fine print this news was really just about a loophole for processed condensates. How significant is this "loophole" for the future of US oil exports?


Somkid downplays US, EU criticism

Business, Pathom Sangwongwanich, Published on 25/06/2014

» Somkid Jatusripitak, foreign affairs adviser to the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), is confident the US and EU will not impose harsh sanctions on Thailand if the country can show determination and integrity in resolving their concerns over human trafficking and democracy.


Risks and rewards present delicate balancing act in emerging economies

Business, Published on 04/03/2014

» One definition of an emerging-market economy is that its political risks are higher, and its policy credibility lower, than in advanced economies. After the financial crisis, when emerging-market economies continued to grow robustly, that definition seemed obsolete; now, with the recent turbulence in emerging economies driven in part by weaker economic-policy credibility and growing political uncertainty, it seems as relevant as ever.



Another tough year awaits

Business, Published on 30/12/2013

» Crude oil prices fluctuated throughout 2013 and the trend will likely continue next year.


Hands-on leader

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 21/10/2013

» Imagine you are having lunch with your wife halfway across the world when you get an e-mail from London headquarters to go and interview someone who may be a candidate for a high-profile job.