Search Result for “Rohingya”

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150 Rohingya stranded on leaking boat off Ranong

Reuters, Published on 07/12/2022

» At least 150 ethnic Rohingya people are stranded at sea off Thailand after their boat broke down, activists said on Wednesday, adding that several may have died and urging authorities to rescue the survivors.



More Rohingya migrants detained in Mae Sot

Reuters, Published on 20/05/2020

» Police in Tak have arrested 15 Rohingya Muslims on charges of illegal entry and are investigating the possibility that they could be victims of human trafficking.



Thailand delays deporting family of Rakhine insurgent leader

Reuters, Published on 08/12/2019

» Thailand will delay the deportation of the wife and children of the top commander of the Arakan Army insurgent group that is fighting Myanmar's army while authorities carry out a full investigation, a deputy police spokesman said on Sunday.



Stranded Rohingya people linked to trafficking

Reuters, Published on 13/06/2019

» Police said on Thursday there is enough evidence to press human trafficking charges against the captain and crew of a boat carrying 65 Rohingya Muslims that was shipwrecked this week on a southern island.


Myanmar troops kill six in Rakhine

Reuters, Published on 02/05/2019

» YANGON: Myanmar security forces shot dead at least six people in the troubled western state of Rakhine on Thursday, after soldiers and police detained hundreds of people at a school, a military spokesman said.



After decades in border camps, Karen refugees leave for Myanmar

Reuters, Published on 08/05/2018

» Ninety-three refugees from Myanmar who have been living in camps along Thailand’s western border have gone home, the second such return since 2016, the UN refugee agency on Tuesday, raising hopes for the eventual closure of some of Asia's oldest refugee camps.



Large US force joins start of Cobra Gold

Reuters, Published on 13/02/2018

» The biggest US force in years joined an annual military exercise in Thailand on Tuesday despite controversy over the junta’s invitation to Myanmar’s army, which has been accused of ethnic cleansing.



Myanmar army rebuked, but invited to Cobra Gold 2018

Reuters, Published on 24/12/2017

» WASHINGTON: The Myanmar military, which has been accused of ethnic cleansing against the country's Muslim Rohingya minority, has been invited back to the 2018 Cobra Gold war games in Thailand.



Singapore priority is halting Asean militants

Reuters, Published on 06/12/2017

» SINGAPORE: Southeast Asian countries must step up their fight against religious militancy taking root in their region, including in Myanmar's troubled Rakhine State, Singapore's foreign minister said on Tuesday.



Bangladesh to buy rice from Thailand, India

Reuters, Published on 09/10/2017

» DHAKA: Bangladesh is set to import a total of 250,000 tonnes of rice from Thailand and India in intergovernmental deals to shore up depleted stocks of the staple, head of the state grain buyer said on Monday.