Search Result for “Oscar”

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For the love of design

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 26/03/2021

» When House of Fritz Hansen in Soi Somkid first came to life in 2017, the white house from the 1950s it inhabited was polished into a showroom to display how luxury Danish furniture pieces could fit into a Thai home. Sleek and clean minimalism usually comes to mind at the mention of this Scandinavian name -- but the global rebrand that has been set into motion since last year is injecting quite a popping touch of colours, fun and modernity to its overall aesthetics.



Forget historical accuracy, this is all about Hrithik's abs

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 19/08/2016

» This obviously isn't going to win any Academy Award nominations. Director Ashutosh Gowariker may have been lauded for his taxing period drama Lagaan, which earned a nomination for the Oscar's Best Foreign Language Film in 2002, but his latest film, Mohenjo Daro, is a clichéd period epic that offers a confused peek into the past of a place that is now a Unesco World Heritage site. I mean, if you want "exotic" costumes, epic sets and a hero-unknowingly-related-to-this-city plot, this is just the thing.



Pinch of literary spice

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 01/06/2015

» For the first time in India, local language authors such as Chetan Bhagat and Amish Tripathi have become marquee names in terms of sales, eclipsing even mainstream Western writers on the market. Books using local, vernacular language are edgy and have a huge following among young readers.



Dazzling, dreamlike Cinderella

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 13/03/2015

» Good old storytelling and a bit of magic is what Disney does best (and should stick to). Let's all just sit back and be dreamy-eyed for a change — everything the Mouse House has churned out with a try-hard dark twist was terribly bland and forgettable (ahem, Alice In Wonderland) — or, in Maleficent's case, like watching an hour-long advertisement for Angelina Jolie. 



Tale as old as time

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 03/03/2015

» It brings an emotional tear to eye when cartoons can capture the heart-wrenching trials of humanity, but when humans can come across convincingly as cartoons, the result is undeniable glee. Disney's Broadway spectacular, Beauty And The Beast, which is showing in Thailand for the very first time, brings the 1991 Oscar-winning classic of the same name to life.



Wounded Knee, restored spirit

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 28/01/2013

» Dee Brown's Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee may not ring the bell too loud in this century, but in the previous, it was a seminal read for Baby Boomers and liberals in many parts of the world. First published in the US in 1970, the book was a best-seller throughout 1971, and although it was written over 40 years ago, the words Brown penned, according to its Thai translator, are still strikingly relevant to the Obama-era of today.



Reflecting home, from a distance

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 03/12/2012

» Vikas Swarup is best known for his global hit novel Q&A, which became an even bigger hit in 2008 when Danny Boyle made it into an Oscar-winning film, Slumdog Millionaire.



Original sin

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 17/09/2012

» We've all probably gotten over the shock and incredulity of Bangkok becoming the World Book Capital next year. Hopefully, the year will be packed with book events and literary festivals of all sorts that will prove us worthy of the title we have been bestowed with. And since there aren't any lit gatherings happening in town at the moment, we can hop over and take a look at what Singapore is up to.