Search Result for “Nepal”

Showing 41 - 42 of 42


Nasa's man: It's science, not conspiracies

News, Paul Ruffini, Published on 24/06/2012

» Nasa's Hal Maring led the planning and coordination of Nasa's SEAC4RS project to study climate, weather and air quality conditions in South and Southeast Asia. During that time he has worked with Nasa management in the US, presented the project to partner countries in the region and orchestrated preparations with more than 250 scientists. He has also dealt with Nasa's Earth Science Project Office on the logistics of deploying three specially fitted-out civilian aircraft _ the DC-8, the ER-2 and GV _ to the region.


Govt foreign labour plan comes under fire

News, Penchan Charoensuthipan, Published on 27/01/2012

» Labour activists have criticised a plan by the Labour Ministry to allow thousands of foreign workers from Vietnam, Bangladesh and Nepal into the country to cope with a labour shortage.