Search Result for “Laos”

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Global talent competitiveness: a plea for diversity

Christopher Bruton, Published on 31/07/2018

» The Global Talent Competitiveness Index is produced each year by the Switzerland-based management school INSEAD, with support from the leading human resource group ADECCO, joined this year by TATA Communications.



Thailand: the Human Resource Hub of CLMTV?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 13/12/2017

» With the rapid expansion of political, economic and social relationships between the countries of what is now becoming known as CLMTV (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam), this sub-region of ASEAN is beginning to become recognised as the mainstay of Thailand’s international relations.



A worker benefit programme that really cares

Christopher Bruton, Published on 21/11/2016

» Many worker support programmes that are supposed to convey great benefits for employees often in fact do quite the opposite. No wonder, therefore, that schemes designed to offer a road to paradise for hard-pressed workers are often viewed with skepticism by employers and employees alike. However, with the advent of "iCare Benefits" to the Thailand market, there is, at last a truly viable, already internationally tested scheme that really does offer and deliver what it claims.



Vietnamese workers in Thailand: lesser known but valuable labour source

Christopher Bruton, Published on 21/07/2016

» The importance of foreign migrant labour as an essential source of workers in Thailand is a topic of daily comment, discussion and concern. With rising wages and stabilising population growth, industrial and service sectors cannot effectively function without availability of non-Thai workers, mostly from neighbouring countries. Yet this valuable, essential resource is treated almost as an undesirable blight rather than a welcome benefit. Legitimate work and stay permits are provided reluctantly and in insufficient numbers. Many workers are underpaid, even to the point of almost slave labour conditions, mistreated by employers and often arrested by authorities.



Human Development: how advanced is Thailand?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 27/06/2016

» Economic development is one thing, human social development is another. The new popular concept of "gross national happiness", is perhaps too vague and subjective to be meaningful for international comparison. The United Nations Development Progam (UNDP concept of "human development" may work more effectively. This has been around for just 25 years, since 1990, and claims to concentrate upon the "richness of human lives" rather than the "richness of economies".