Search Result for “King Power”

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New books worth reading

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 29/12/2016

» From Dust To Dust: A Journalist's Memoir



Sojourn in Siam 

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 21/12/2015

» The Siamese Trail Of Ho Chi Minh -- the third book by Bangkok-based writer Teddy Spha Palasthira -- has come out in an interesting time. Not only did Vietnam celebrate the 40th year of the country's reunification earlier this year, but the Asean Economic Community (AEC) is set to become active next month, with a promise to bring the relationships and history of the region into public attention.



A right royal read

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 09/02/2015

» When Subhatra Bhumibrabhas said she wanted to translate The King In Exile: The Fall Of The Royal Family Of Burma by Sudha Shah, people warned that the prospects weren't that bright. Why, they said, would Thai readers want to read about the late Burmese king who lived in exile and died almost a century ago? Subhatra, former journalist and now media activist whose interest in Myanmar dates back years, shrugged off such caution and followed her heart in translating the book into Thai.



The death of the traditional travelogue

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 21/07/2014

» When travel writer Pimpida Kanjanavathang returned from Oman in 2010, she wanted to write a travelogue about her adventures in the relatively unknown Arab state.


Sci-fi-loving sailor

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 31/03/2014

» Angelo Gualtieri, born of an Italian father and English mother, was brought up in England. This gave him a passionate temperament held down, sometimes unsuccessfully, by British reserve and upbringing. He started his career as a research engineer in the UK, then at the Stanford Research Institute in the US, before moving to Thailand years ago.



Factions and short fuses

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 21/05/2012

» The art of deception is at the core of Lab Luang Prang V, the latest work of non-fiction by Wassana Nanuam, a veteran reporter who's been covering the military beat for this newspaper for more than 20 years now.



Bucking a trend

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 03/04/2012

» E-books have become more than a fashion statement for lovers of new gadgets on the market. For people in the publishing industry everywhere, including Thailand, it's seen as a medium imperative to their survival, the way they conduct business and tap the opportunities it will spawn.