Search Result for “China”

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Women on frontlines of democracy movement

AFP, Published on 21/12/2020

» Denouncing sexual violence, demanding abortion reform and destigmatising sex work -- once-taboo issues are finding public expression in Thailand as women take up leadership roles in a youth-led pro-democracy movement.



Protest parallels in Thailand and Hong Kong

AFP, Published on 19/10/2020

» Hong Kong and Thailand have both seen their streets filled with protesters daring to take on an entrenched political elite, and to discuss once-taboo subjects in their push for greater freedoms.



Asia-Pacific leaders defend trade against Trump tide

AFP, Published on 21/11/2016

» PERU - Asia-Pacific leaders sent a strong message in defence of free trade Sunday as they wrapped up a summit that has been overshadowed by US President-elect Donald Trump's protectionism.


Perils on the path to power for Myanmar's Suu Kyi

AFP, Published on 15/11/2015

» YANGON - Wielding an overwhelming mandate from Myanmar's voters, Aung San Suu Kyi has power in her sights after a quarter century of democratic struggle against the army, but analysts say building bridges with former military foes is vital to her success.


Pirates hijack Thai ship, steal oil

AFP, Published on 29/08/2014

» Armed pirates commandeered a Thai tanker off Malaysia's east coast and pumped out its cargo of oil, adding to a series of hijackings that has raised fears of a growing Southeast Asian piracy menace.


Bad stats hurting tiger-saving effort

AFP, Published on 30/07/2014

» Efforts to save the tiger are being undermined by a lack of information about how many of the endangered cats live in the wild, the conservation group WWF said on Tuesday.


US cuts more Thailand aid

AFP, Published on 25/06/2014

» The United States said Tuesday it has suspended more assistance to Thailand in response to a military coup and was considering moving a major regional exercise out of the kingdom.


Behind bars: Thai women pay high price for drugs

AFP, Published on 24/06/2014

» Lured by easy money, an escape from poverty or family pressure, thousands of women are locked up for drug offences in Thailand, which has one of the world's highest rates of female imprisonment.



US hopeful Thai military will show restraint

AFP, Published on 14/05/2014

» WASHINGTON - The United States voiced confidence Tuesday that Thailand's military will not stage another coup as worries mount in Washington of fresh turmoil in its oldest Asian ally.


Army accused of killing Cambodians

AFP, Published on 14/03/2014

» PHNOM PENH - Cambodia's military on Friday accused Thai troops of killing 15 villagers who illegally crossed the border to log for valuable timber.