Search Result for “Brexit”

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Go further west

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 23/02/2020

» Throughout their decades-spanning career in the music biz, Pet Shop Boys have always operated within the realm of sophisticated synth-pop that advocates varying degrees of dancefloor abandon. For lyricist Neil Tennant and composer Chris Lowe, however, it's not just about the allure of club culture or pure hedonism. From day one, social consciousness gets woven into the sonic fabric of their music. "In a West End town, a dead-end world/ The East End boys and West End girls," Tennant sings about the class and wealth gap on their 1984 debut single West End Girls.



Forever is a long time

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 29/09/2019

» Let's be frank, bands like Metronomy are hard to come by these days. Call us myopic, but we honestly can't think of any up-and-coming groups who would be savvy enough to come up with classic indie jams like A Thing For Me, The Look, The Bay and Everything Goes My Way. A knack for blending eclectic genres seems to come naturally to the UK quartet, a gift that served them especially well from 2008's Nights Out through to 2014's Love Letters.



Top 20 singles of 2018 (Part 1)

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 23/12/2018

» As is tradition, we're wrapping up the year with a special two-part series featuring some of the best music to have come out locally and globally over the past 12 months. Culled from our 40-plus playlists stretching back to January, these tracks represent trends, cultural highlights and states of mind that reflect the times we're all living in (and trying to make some sense of). We present to you this week the bottom half of our annual round-up, a vibrant batch consisting of pop mainstays like Mariah Carey and exciting newcomers like Hana Vu and Now, Now. And with that said, here's to a new year of fewer whales choking on plastic bags, of nobody getting trapped in a cave, and maybe -- just maybe -- of an election.



Let England shake

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 02/12/2018

» "And especially, from every shire's end of England/ The holy blissful martyr for to seek/ That them had helpened when that they were weak." So begins Merrie Land, the second LP by The Good, The Bad & The Queen, a supergroup made up of Blur frontman Damon Albarn, guitarist Simon Tong from The Verve, bassist Paul Simonon from The Clash and Nigerian drummer Tony Allen. Titled Introduction, the album's brief opener is based on an excerpt from Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales -- the perfect premise for a record concerned with the uncertain future of a post-Brexit UK.



Genius Knows No Gender

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 18/11/2018

» There's a certain genius to how female indie musicians Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, and Lucy Dacus have banded together under the name boygenius (yes, all lowercase). The aim here, it seems, is to draw attention away from their gender that's often taken for granted in the male-dominated scene. Having met and bonded at the same tours and festivals over the years, the three artists realised that, not only do they share artistic visions, they also complement one another's talents.