Search Result for “Asia”

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Geek out

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 04/07/2014

» If you’ve ever fantasised about sitting on the Game of Thrones’ Iron Throne, hugging a life-sized Rilakkuma, and/or taking a selfie with an army of Stormtroopers, you can make your geeky dreams come true at Bangkok Comic Con (, B150 per ticket), which runs from today (Jul 4) until Sunday (Jul 6) at Siam Paragon’s Royal Paragon Hall. The Geek God has blessed us with another opportunity to geek out again after Thailand Comic Con in May. As the event kicks off, we break down the highlights from Bangkok Comic Con and also tell you about made-in-Thailand comic books.


Malt Milestone

Muse, Published on 15/02/2014

» [WHAT] Celebrating 125 years of Glenfiddich


Looking to Hong Kong

News, Published on 15/02/2014

» Building urban railways is a costly exercise although it does not always have to burn a hole through the developer’s pocket.




Guru, Published on 14/02/2014

» Struggling to find the perfect venue for your hot Valentine’s date today (Feb 14)? Here’s a round-up of interesting offerings around town to suit even the pickiest of partners. The rest is up to you.



Get active

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 18/10/2013

» Ademonstration against a controversial dam project in Mae Wong National Park will start at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre tomorrow. The dam plan has been criticised for its lack of transparency, questionable effi ciency in preventing future fl ooding and its threat to irreplaceable trees and wildlife. To deputy PM Plodprasob Suraswadi, forests can be regrown and wildlife bred, but an online petition against the project on has garnered over 113,401 signatures, becoming the biggest campaign of its kind in Asia (who knew that Thais are such environmentalists?!).


Promoting 21st-Century skill sets

Life, Published on 09/10/2013

» Unesco Bangkok is seeking submissions for an Asia-Pacific-wide contest asking young people and educators how "21st-century skills" can best be promoted among the youth of the region.


Find inner peace at annual yoga festival

Life, Published on 01/10/2013

» The upcoming "3HO Kundalini Yoga Festival Asia" will offer a forum for gathering, sharing, learning and creating a sense of common unity for the kundalini yoga communities in Asia and beyond.



A dying breed

Life, L. Bruce Kekulé, Published on 31/07/2013

» Of all the mammals in Thailand, the wild elephant is probably the most important indicator species of a disappearing wilderness. A century ago, there were more than a 100,000 elephants found in the country when 75% of the Kingdom was still covered by forest. Just north and east of Bangkok, these huge mammals thrived in the marshlands and forests near the city.



Skin Deep?

Guru, Published on 26/07/2013

» In Thailand, the topic of physical beauty - whether yours, ours or a stranger's - has become a huge part of our culture. Like a personal bowel movement, appearance is a casual topic that can be brought up in any conversation. After all, friends and acquaintances comment on weight or skin colour often immediately after a sawasdee.


Star filled night in as Hua Hin luxury resort launches

Brunch, Published on 21/07/2013

» It was a star-studded start for Pace Development Corporation as it unveiled its latest project, MahaSamutr (The Ocean), a high-end villa and country club resort. The black-tie dinner to launch the luxury project was held at the Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel.