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Read all about it

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 23/04/2021

» A blogger a number of years ago cited an alleged Unesco statistic stating that Thais only read eight lines per year compared to the five books a year Singaporeans and Vietnamese read. I couldn't find the statistic anywhere but a former editor for Guru also wrote in one of her past editor's note that the National Statistic Office reported in 2005 that Thais read an average of just seven lines a year. However, the Unesco site which you can check out has traced that illiteracy has begun declining in 2015 so perhaps the seven-lines-per-year has improved. But why in the world am I talking about Thailand's literacy rates when we usually talk about food or Uncle Tu's latest blunders in this magazine? Well, today is actually World Book Day, and we're listing out a few things you can do to celebrate the occasion -- and perhaps also keep that upward trajectory on the Unesco stat going. So choose a cozy spot and get ready to bury your nose in a few pages as we celebrate World Book Day 2021.



Screen stealers

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 21/09/2018

» It's not news that the Thai film industry is doing well and the films being produced are not just successful in Thailand, are also gaining recognition outside the country. Thai blockbusters, however, are the usual: rom-coms, comedies, horror movies, horror-comedies, with a few action movies thrown in for good measure. But these aren't the entirety of the movies being made in the Kingdom. Just last week, Manta Ray won an award at the Venice Film Festival. With that in mind, we've compiled a list of other Thai films that have not only gained recognition outside of Thailand but have also received awards.



Looking ahead

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 05/01/2018

» 2017 was a whirlwind of a year, but we are now in the budding days of 2018 and while we realise most of us are still recovering from holiday feasting, it's time to leave the past behind and look ahead. There are a number of reasons to be excited about 2018, from concerts to (possible) developments in the city itself. To kick off our very first issue of the new year, we at Guru have compiled a list of things to look forward to in 2018. Strap yourselves in. It's gonna be one heck of a year.