Search Result for “ban”

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Tokyo's Shibuya to ban street drinking at night in some areas

Published on 18/06/2024

» TOKYO: Tokyo's Shibuya Ward will ban drinking on the street at night in some areas starting in October, expanding restrictions currently applied during limited periods such as Halloween and the New Year's holidays, the ward office said on Monday.



Mainland Chinese tourist accuses Hong Kong taxi driver of overcharging by nearly 300%

Published on 10/06/2024

» HONG KONG: A Shenzhen-based tourist has complained about being "ripped off" by a Hong Kong taxi driver for being asked to pay HK$600 (2,800 baht), nearly three times the usual fare, on his first day in town for the Dragon Boat Festival long weekend.



Israeli court approves ban on Al Jazeera

Published on 05/06/2024

» JERUSALEM - An Israeli court on Wednesday upheld a ban on the operations of the Qatar-backed news agency Al Jazeera that the government had imposed on national security grounds.



North Korea sends balloons of 'faeces, trash' into South

Reuters, Published on 29/05/2024

» SEOUL - South Korea accused North Korea on Wednesday of sending a large number of balloons across the heavily fortified border between the countries to drop objects that included trash and excrement, calling the act base and dangerous.



Philippines protests China's annual fishing ban

Published on 27/05/2024

» MANILA: The Philippines has protested China's imposition of a unilateral four-month long fishing ban in the South China Sea, its foreign ministry said on Monday.



UN rejects Russian resolution on banning weapons in space

Published on 21/05/2024

» NEW YORK - The UN Security Council on Monday rejected a resolution proposed by Russia on banning all weapons in space, with the United States saying Moscow is trying to mislead the world from its true intention.



Farm animals are hauled all over the country; so are their pathogens

Published on 20/05/2024

» The bird flu virus that is spreading through American dairy cows can probably be traced back to a single spillover event. Late last year, scientists believe, the virus jumped from wild birds into cattle in the Texas panhandle. By this spring, the virus, known as H5N1, had travelled hundreds of miles or more, appearing on farms in Idaho, North Carolina and Michigan.



Vatican urges caution over ‘apparitions’

Published on 17/05/2024

» VATICAN CITY - The Vatican issued new guidelines on Friday recommending a cautious approach to supposed supernatural events such as weeping Madonnas and blood-dripping crucifixes that have for centuries whipped up the Catholic faithful.



Hundreds arrested, roads barricaded in New Caledonia as riots continue

Reuters, Published on 16/05/2024

» SYDNEY - Armed forces were protecting New Caledonia's two airports and port after a third night of violent riots that have killed four people, the Pacific Island's top French official said on Thursday morning, adding at least four alleged instigators were under house arrest.



YouTube complies with Hong Kong order blocking access to protest song

South China Morning Post, Published on 15/05/2024

» BEIJING - US-based video-streaming giant YouTube has complied with a Hong Kong court order banning a popular protest anthem by blocking access to 32 clips within the city, but other versions are still available.