Search Result for “transport”

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Future forward

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 31/12/2021

» Today is the last day of 2021 and depending on when you’re reading this, you may only have a few more hours or even just minutes to say goodbye to the year that’s basically been a repetition of 2020. There have been a number of ups and downs as we went through another lockdown and reopening, but the good news is that we made it: we’re still here and still trudging along, though some of us would really like to get a breather from all the craziness.



Nippon express

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 19/11/2021

» Thailand has reopened its borders to foreigners and the prospect of travelling abroad seems to be more of a reality now than it did a few months ago. It's not entirely back to normal though. There are hurdles to go through and it costs a lot of money if you want to go abroad and return to Thailand. That being said, unless you're unlike many of us and showed great self-control when it came to spending on food deliveries during lockdown, you've probably saved a fair bit to travel. A recent Visa survey revealed that the number one place Thais want to visit is Japan and if you can't get yourself there, Guru has the next best thing -- places in the Land of Smiles that transport you to the Land of the Rising Sun.



Holiday in the sun

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 19/06/2020

» Welcome to Phase 4! No, I'm not talking about the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Phase 4, which hasn't kicked off yet because Black Widow is postponed to November. I'm talking about the easing of restrictions nationwide as the country goes back to "normal". Monday saw the lifting of curfew so we can finally go back to staying out late and sneaking back home, as well as the lifting of the ban on sales of certain refreshments in restaurants. It also means the reopening of a number of places and attractions all around the country, and if you're like me, you've been itching to get out of Bangkok, head to the beach for some vitamin sea or go on a road trip with your pals. This week, Guru's got a list of places you can visit on your post-quarantine domestic travel.



From Italy with love

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 07/02/2020

» It seems a little odd when you first glimpse the exterior of the resto because you would think it was a legit Italian osteria found on the side of a cobbled road. But then you take a look around and realise you're in CentralWorld. Walking in, the resto does a great job of making you feel as if you are in Italy. While they do sell pizzas and other things to go at the entrance, going inside for a proper meal is where it's at because not only does the ambience transport you but so does the food.



Green thumb

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 17/05/2019

» Maybe a few of us have forgotten the smog that engulfed us in the beginning of the year, making leaving the house a game of "to choke or not to choke". Now it is the scorching heat that seems to be worse than before. While short-term solutions do a little to elevate, we know that the root of the problem is climate change. If we don't take action now, it's going to get worse later. Bangkok has its share of eco-problems whether it's pollution or waste, but instead of listing them, we can figure out ways of how we can help, even in small doses. And technology has made this easier. Guru has listed a few of the best apps in the climate change business to help you help the environment.



The desolation of smog

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 25/01/2019

» The first month of 2019 has been completely obscured by the hazy descent of smog upon the Big Mango and while Bangkokians are no strangers to pollution, it seems that this may be worse than before. Each morning, we wake up to a smog-infested skyline and step out into the streets breathing in fresh pollution speckled with PM2.5 dust particles, which are dangerous and fine (size-wise, not hotness-wise). Pollution Control Department director-general Pralong Damrongthai said that this may last for another month or two -- with ups and downs -- and the PCD has admitted that spraying water into the air doesn't really help (but it's so much fun so let's continue). Expect Bangkok to look post apocalyptic for a while. But fear not dear readers, we are looking out for you. We've done our research (it's never too late) and we've got a few protips on how to survive the haze.



Monsoon tales

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 13/07/2018

» While the scorching heat of Thailand will always be around, we're now into the season where that would be alleviated with a "bit" of rainfall. Yes, it's rainy season in Thailand, which means an increase in picky taxi drivers, wet floors on the BTS and Minesweeper-like pavements that could spew dirty water on you when you step on them. Despite the great inconvenience it causes, it also results in great stories that shouldn't just be kept to ourselves. Having said that, we asked you, our dear readers, what experiences you've had in the torrential downpour season, and as always, you didn't disappoint. Here are our faves.