Search Result for “rice”

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Future forward

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 31/12/2021

» Today is the last day of 2021 and depending on when you’re reading this, you may only have a few more hours or even just minutes to say goodbye to the year that’s basically been a repetition of 2020. There have been a number of ups and downs as we went through another lockdown and reopening, but the good news is that we made it: we’re still here and still trudging along, though some of us would really like to get a breather from all the craziness.



Nippon express

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 19/11/2021

» Thailand has reopened its borders to foreigners and the prospect of travelling abroad seems to be more of a reality now than it did a few months ago. It's not entirely back to normal though. There are hurdles to go through and it costs a lot of money if you want to go abroad and return to Thailand. That being said, unless you're unlike many of us and showed great self-control when it came to spending on food deliveries during lockdown, you've probably saved a fair bit to travel. A recent Visa survey revealed that the number one place Thais want to visit is Japan and if you can't get yourself there, Guru has the next best thing -- places in the Land of Smiles that transport you to the Land of the Rising Sun.



A city getaway

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 15/10/2021

» Travelling to a nearby province for a beach or a tranquil mountain stay is great, but just staying in the city offers as much as all the trappings of a getaway. Maybe you just want to stay within the confines of the hotel to relax and enjoy what they have to offer rather than go out exploring while huffing in a mask. If a wonderful city staycation is what you're after then Centara Grand at CentralWorld's "The Place to Be" package has pretty much everything you need.



Lazy no more

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/09/2021

» Chinese-American takeaway probably evokes either memories or curiosity: memories for those who travelled or lived in the US and discovered American-Chinese takeaway as a delicious and affordable option; curiosity for those who have never set foot in the US but have seen those signature white boxes in films or TV shows.



A cuppa sushi?

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 09/04/2021

» Food-in-a-cup is a category that's a hit-or-miss. There are staples and things we wouldn't bat our eyelids at, like ice cream or french fries, and then there's the more risky ones like A&W's waffles in a cup which is quirky but still works in its own way. It's safe to say sushi wasn't one of the things people were demanding to be in a cup. But Chubbies decided: demands and norms, be damned! They're going to do it anyway.



Cold relief

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 26/03/2021

» T he sun has started to bear down a little more heavily these days. Brief walks to the 7-Eleven are starting to result in sweaty shirts. The cool, billowing breeze from an AC turned down to 10C degrees is starting to feel a little more pleasant than before. Brace yourselves: the onset of summer is here. What better way to alleviate the summer heat than perhaps a cool, refreshing dessert? Okay, ice cream is great no matter what season (I'd eat it even if it was winter. Then again, Bangkok doesn't really have "winter"). But you know what's better than delectable ice cream during the ridiculously hot Bangkok summer? Delectable ice cream that's delivered right to your doorstep during the ridiculously hot Bangkok summer! Here are some cool ice cream places you can order from to give you some sweet, delicious summer relief.



Winter wonderlands

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 20/11/2020

» If you haven't noticed, there's only a little over a month left for 2020 to end. This also means cooler weather all over the country and along with that comes a slew of festivals making good use of the cool breeze that makes walking outside more delightful and less of a workout. A number of these events take place outside the city, which means even cooler temperatures and breezes accompanied by fantastic views of nature. These events are a great way to enjoy the "winter season" and serve as a reminder that we've made it through 2020 so we've all earned ourselves a bit of time to enjoy what these festivals have to offer.



A taste of the Philippines

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 16/10/2020

» Filipino cuisine is utterly delicious yet somewhat tricky because there are so many versions of each specific dish that you'll find all around. Take something like the well-known and beloved adobo, a dish that both Filipinos and non-Filipinos have fallen in love with. Adobo can be cooked with a variety of meats like chicken, pork and even squid, and depending on how you like it or if you're Filipino, how your mum or grandmother cooked it, you're used to adobo being dry and pasty or wet with a little bit of soup. There's not just one correct way to cook Filipino dishes so it may be difficult to please everyone. However, Viva Filipinas could be the restaurant in the City of Angels that changes all of that.



The plastic-less revolution

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 17/01/2020

» The first day of 2020 saw a major change in the lives of those who live in the Kingdom of Thailand: the (almost total) disappearance of single-use plastic bags. It's a huge change but a seemingly necessary one. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, Thailand is one of the four countries responsible for half of all plastic in the oceans in Southeast Asia. While 2019 saw a drastic drop in the use of plastic bag, the plan is to eliminate 225,000 tonnes of plastic waste per year. Single-use plastic bags are just the beginning though as bottle caps, cups and straws are next on the list. So what exactly are people saying about the ban? Is it absolutely necessary? What does it mean for customers who go grocery shopping? Are there ways to help lessen plastic waste? Hopefully, this clarifies some things and answers some of your questions.



Mexican with a twist

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 10/01/2020

» Mexican cuisine used to be something you had to hunt down in Bangkok but recent years have seen more and more restos popping up all around. Now, it's not at all difficult to have your Mexican craving satiated and while I'm one of the people who's thankful it's so easily available, it's always the "usuals" you see when you're ordering Mexican: burritos, tacos, enchiladas -- the works. "Don't fix it if it ain't broke" as the saying goes, but La Cocina has dared to give it a bit of a twist.