Search Result for “younger generation”

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Girls just wanna make movies

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 08/03/2019

» The movie industry has always been a men's club. Take a look at Hollywood. Last year, only 8% of the top 250 grossing films in the US domestic box office were directed by women. And though no official statistics are available, the Thai movie scene has also long been a male-dominated campsite.



Power from within

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 19/12/2018

» For 10 years, Chinese photographer Lou Yang has been taking pictures of girls. Unlike the proper, sickly-sweet and overly-feminine girls that Chinese mainstream media entrusts the world to see, Yang's girls cross the line of tradition and expectations while walking the line between fragility and strength.



Nothing Leica hot coffee

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 05/09/2018

» Leica. It's the pinnacle of all camera brands -- owned and used by some of the most legendary photographers of the world. From pioneer street photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson and social documentary photographer Sebastiao Salgado to Vietnamese war photographer Nick Ut, all the giants swear by the German brand's lenses and compact, simple design.



Masters of puppets

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 22/08/2018

» To the younger generation of Southeast Asia, shadow puppetry may seem like a bygone form of entertainment. Held outdoors at night in temple compounds, rice fields or the royal court, the performance traditionally unfolds behind a stretch of white cloth illuminated by oil lamps. Puppet masters manipulate the intricate and painstakingly handcrafted puppets to local music, narrating and acting stories from the Ramayana or the Mahabharata epics peppered with improvisation in between. A shadow theatre performance, in some cases, can last up to seven hours long.



In tune with the times

B Magazine, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 08/07/2018

» For over 30 years, Pongsit Kampee has been telling stories about people, their struggles, grievances, and of love lost. To say that he is Thailand's Bob Dylan may be a bit of an overstatement, but he's one of the few we have who may merit that comparison.



The writing's on the wall

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 16/03/2018

» In the past month, outrage surrounding the Italian-Thai mogul's alleged killings of protected animals -- chiefly a black leopard -- manifested itself into a form of protest that's rarely ever seen in Thailand: Street art.



Breaking through the glass ceiling

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 24/01/2018

» Earlier this month, the lush oasis of the Canadian ambassador's official residence was buzzing with a rare kind of energy. Sitting down were 25 young, strong and talented female leaders from 14 countries across South and Southeast Asia -- from Afghanistan to Nepal, from Maldives to Laos, in addition to Thailand.



A museum of absurd memory

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 20/12/2017

» Chulayarnnon Siriphol's solo exhibition is absurdly meta. Inspired by Behind The Painting, a classic Thai novel written by Sri Burapha in the 1930s after the Siamese Revolution, the show at Bangkok CityCity thrives on an impish humour and a contemporary re-evaluation of the respected book and characters.



Defining the scene

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 30/08/2017

» What exactly is being referred to when we talk about "contemporary art"?



Ruins reborn

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 26/07/2017

» Once nearly forgotten and lost to time, the photographs of Rabil Bunnag (1902-1999) have been brought back before the public eye.