Search Result for “year ago”

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Why Bezos Is Staying On as Executive Chairman

Business, Patrick Thomas, Published on 05/02/2021

» Jeff Bezos, the founder and longtime chief of Inc., is giving up his chief executive position, but not his seat of power.



The future of work

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 06/04/2020

» Co-working was a little-known concept when JustCo began developing innovative office spaces nine years ago in Singapore. But now it's here to stay, says Kong Wan Long, who is on a mission to make his company a global player in the field alongside the likes of IWC and WeWork.



Thai pride

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 15/11/2019

» Thailand is well-known around the world for a number of things: beautiful beaches, great food and extremely friendly people, to name a few. It's also home to a variety of homegrown talent be it in the entertainment industry or elsewhere. Sure, you can probably name a bunch off the top of your head that people go gaga for right here in the country, but there's also a number of them who are pretty well-known internationally, some of whom you may not be aware of. Either way, these are people who are making their motherland proud and whose works are worthy to be celebrated. From make-up artists to cake designers, here are Thais who are getting recognition locally and internationally for their work.



A broad canvas

Muse, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 07/04/2018

» Not all of us will make our mark as Mona Lisa, but it is possible to be the centre star of an art piece. If you are a self-confessed shutterbug and lover of art, an interactive art exhibition is currently ongoing at Emporium right now under the name Museum of Me (MOME). Inside the pink pastel box, which has just popped up inside their department store, this museum's showcase will not be complete without its main exhibition: you. Get snapped upon entering MOME and get ready to see yourself turned into art works by 10 different artists. The summer museum visit all ends at the museum gift shop, which of course, sells mementos that star you.



Who do you love?

Published on 16/07/2017

» It’s always a shock when you find out that your partner is having an affair. But imagine what it would feel like if you discovered they were having the affair with somebody of the same sex.


Preparing for the new era of concurrency

Business, Barry Elliott, Published on 14/06/2017

» Picking up again from our piece two weeks ago, regarding work done by Matt Davis of SCM World entitled "Concurrency -- Embracing the death of S&OP, SCOR and other supply chain paradigms", we will share with you the action plan that he proposes.



Take five: What's trending and happening this week

Muse, Published on 29/04/2017

» 1. BTS passengers take note: Have you experienced bruised hips and discomfort when the mechanical barriers at the entrance hit you if you walk past them just a tad too slow? A campaign has started at, a petition website, to demand the operators of BTS to modify its entrance system that basically doesn't snap at passengers -- something that will relieve parents with children or senior people from unduly worry. The campaign message cites Japan and other countries that use more passenger-friendly turnstiles. So far, nearly 4,000 people have signed for the campaign.



All I want for Christmas is.....

Life, Published on 23/12/2016

» Our editors and writers pick the most exclusive and best items on their wishlist or for gifting loved ones this holiday season.



The gift of reading

Life, Published on 12/12/2016

» It's that time of year when we ask people in different fields to share one book they've read, loved and would recommend as a New Year pressie



Best foot forward

Asia focus, Pathom Sangwongwanich, Published on 10/10/2016

» Balance is a word that everybody understands, but not everyone succeeds at applying the concept in life or business. This is not the case with Alexis Nasard, the new CEO of Bata, who has made it his mission to steer the renowned footwear company along a steady and sustainable course.