Search Result for “video clip”

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What’s trending and happening this week

Muse, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 21/04/2018

» 1 Feel like putting your strength to the test? Under Armour is bringing back its annual urban fitness challenge Test Of Will, to be held on April 28 and 29 at CentralWorld. Participants will complete physical challenges -- Over and Under (hurdles), Deadball Squats, Kettlebell Farmer Walks and Bear Crawls -- in a four-minute circuit challenge. Contestants will be divided into age categories: 18-34, 35-44 and 45+. Each will be scored based on the maximum number of correct repetitions they can achieve within one minute. A cash prize of 50,000 baht is up for grabs for the male and female competitors who achieve highest overall score. Register to compete, for 500 baht, at Available only for Thai residents over the age of 18.



Soulful, sorrowful, tragic

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 28/08/2015

» Amy is a biographical documentary of the singer Amy Winehouse, but it is also a horror film. Watching it is like watching a ghost, a confused, tortured ghost of a woman who has boundless talent in singing and none in living. As we watch Amy Winehouse -- in home video footage, concert recordings, TV interviews, etc -- it hits us that we're watching her being killed slowly at every passing minute; killed by herself, her addiction, and by the cruel ecosystem of the fame industry that feeds first on her gift then more voraciously on her downfall. This is one of the best documentary films this year, and in some parts it's also one of the hardest to watch.