Search Result for “us”

Showing 21 - 30 of 158



Party's over but it doesn't end in jail

News, King-oua Laohong, Published on 25/05/2020

» A rapid increase of arrests in the month after the government declared a state of emergency in late March to fight the Covid-19 outbreak threatened to overwhelm the already overcrowded prison population.



Somsak vows to hurry kratom legalisation

News, King-oua Laohong, Published on 14/12/2019

» Justice Minister Somsak Thepsutin has vowed to expedite legalising kratom, a local plant classified as a narcotic after researchers registered patents for kratom-based medicine in Japan and America.


ONCB dismisses Mexican meth link

News, King-oua Laohong, Published on 13/12/2019

» The Office of the Narcotics Control Board on Thursday played down US claims that Mexican drug cartels are eyeing Thailand as a market for their methamphetamine, citing intelligence reports.



Police nab pirate-film mogul

News, King-oua Laohong, Published on 08/11/2019

» Department of Special Investigation (DSI) officials have arrested the administrator of Thailand's most popular pirate-movie website, which earned about 5 million baht a month from advertisements.



Most popular pirated movies website shut down

King-oua Laohong, Published on 07/11/2019

» Department of Special Investigation officials have arrested the administrator of a website that streamed 3,000 pirated movies online and earned about 5 million baht a month from advertisements.



DSI to take over 'Mae Manee' probe

News, King-oua Laohong, Published on 07/11/2019

» The Royal Thai Police (RTP) will hand over its investigation into the controversial "Mae Manee" Ponzi scheme to the Department of Special Investigations (DSI) on Thursday next week, as the number of people claiming to be victims rose above 4,000.


Record half-tonne Kiwi meth haul 'passed through Bangkok'

News, King-oua Laohong, Published on 08/09/2019

» The half a tonne of methamphetamine intercepted by New Zealand's authorities, reported to be the largest ever seizure of the drug at that country's border, is thought to have originated from the Golden Triangle, says the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB).


Amlo goes high-tech to tackle laundering

News, King-oua Laohong, Published on 05/08/2019

» Pol Maj Gen Preecha Charoensahayanon sees cryptocurrency as a new challenge of the Anti-Money Laundering Office (Amlo) under his leadership.


Forex traders 'rip off B1bn'

News, King-oua Laohong, Published on 11/07/2019

» Victims of a forex trading scam have petitioned the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) after being cheated out of more than one billion baht by an illegal financial company.


HK firm asks DSI to curb show piracy

News, King-oua Laohong, Published on 25/05/2019

» The executives of a Hong Kong-based television channel and its Thai partners have asked the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) to tackle online piracy with illegal streaming and downloading of the channel's original TV content having led to a loss of about US$15 million (478 million baht).