Search Result for “trillion baht”

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No degree, no problem: Follow the road to riches

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 25/04/2014

» This is probably one of the hottest months we have experienced and my electricity bill is rising rapidly with the temperature. In fact, I seem to have had a lot of expenses lately, especially paying for services of non-college workers.


Secular stagnation and endless protests

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 29/11/2013

» Once again, it has been a terrible month for Thai politics. Tension is building up everywhere. After the conflict over a wide-ranging amnesty bill that would have eased former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's return to the country, even greater opposition mounted over the Constitution Court ruling on the charter amendment bill. One thing led to another. Now tens of thousands of protesters have gathered for massive anti- and pro-government rallies, the biggest we have seen in three years.


Happy songkran means happy tourism

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 26/04/2013

» The international New Year often catches me by surprise. There are just too many things to do at year-end and not enough time to think about the New Year, let alone making a proper New Year's resolution. The Thai New Year, however, is a totally different story. With a long weekend and few social activities, I can usually plan better for myself and others.


Bangkok: A dream city at last?

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 22/02/2013

» As we await the exciting Bangkok governor election on March 3, I have a dream that Bangkok will be full of trees and parks and have good public transport. I have a dream it will take me only 30 minutes (instead of one hour) to go to work and that I will have a choice not to drive to work.


Can anyone tame the debt dragon?

Business, Tientip Subhanij, Published on 27/01/2012

» For Chinese, the dragon is an auspicious creature, representing power, strength and good fortune. I start this column with hope and optimism that despite the many challenges that await, the Dragon year will bring good luck _ to me, my family and my country.