Search Result for “transport”

Showing 11 - 20 of 33



Modi looks east

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 05/03/2018

» Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be bringing a long to-do list when he touches down in Thailand in early June. It includes joint defence manufacturing, cruise tourism, maritime transport, a possible "white shipping" agreement, highway transport via Myanmar, and strengthening of cultural links, among others.



Nowhere people

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 16/10/2017

» Noor Fatima would prefer jumping into the Yamuna River to being deported to her village in Rakhine province of Myanmar.



Balancing the scales

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 11/09/2017

» Concerned about India's continuing trade deficit with Asean, parliamentarians are pressing the Delhi government to do more to lift exports and correct the imbalance.



Cowed by vigilantes

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 07/08/2017

» Mohammad Ibrar is a worried man. The director of Adiba Leather in Kolkata may have the law on his side when it comes to obtaining cattle for his business. But the people who would supply and transport the animals are still terrified of "cow vigilantes" In India.



GST jumble

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 29/05/2017

» Naseem is a confused man. The owner of two department stores in Ghaziabad, a city just east of Delhi, he is worried that the new Goods and Services Tax (GST) is going to damage his sales.



Asean-India summit planned for next Republic Day

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 22/05/2017

» New Delhi is gearing up for a double bonanza on Jan 26 next year when India celebrates its Republic Day. The event will feature the usual spectacular parade of India's military might in the capital, but with some very special guests.



India's only female barber still in trim at 70

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 15/05/2017

» An illiterate old woman in Maharashtra state has done more for women's empowerment in India than many high-profile government figures and campaigners for equality, though she would tell you that all she's ever tried to do is to provide for her family.



'Cow vigilantes' giving Indian meat processors buffalo blues

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 01/05/2017

» NEW DELHI - Southeast Asia and other markets may be deprived of some of the meat they enjoy because buffalo supplies to Indian abbatoirs have dried up as farmers and transporters fear violence from vigilantes, animal-rights activists and police.



Tough love

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 23/01/2017

» For Mohan Chaturvedi, the first six months of his marriage were like hell. Sexual relations with his wife were a torment because he suffered from premature ejaculation. The three "sex pharmacies" he consulted for a cure fleeced him of the equivalent of 52,400 baht without giving him any respite whatsoever.



Delhi gasps for answers to pollution scourge

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 21/11/2016

» When Akkarat Bunyasam, a young visitor from Thailand, landed in India's national capital on Nov 6 he was shocked beyond words.