Search Result for “trade deal”

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Banks grows on you

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 17/08/2018

» It's a relief to read a crime thriller that doesn't bill itself as a psychological mystery. Frankly I'm not an armchair psychologist, much less psychiatrist. I much prefer simple -- what you see is what you get -- people to complex -- you don't know the real me.



A shrink seductress

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 20/10/2017

» It is said that men are potential rapists and women are potential prostitutes. What is not said is there are more than a few exceptions to this rule. Perhaps more accurately, they mentally undress one another when they meet, or in passing. And who says men have the stronger libidos?



A Druid victory

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 13/10/2017

» I didn't realise how many contemporary historians there are until I began reviewing their books. However, their interests don't vary greatly. Ancient Rome and the Tudor periods are predominant. Followed by World War II and the Templar knights. Then Ancient Egypt and the Napoleonic Wars.



Nothing to laugh about

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 07/07/2017

» Certain terms put me off: "only" as in I only want; "just" as in I just mean; "fun" as in let's have some; "hilarious" as in this book is. They are simply untrue.



Slo-mo action

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 14/10/2016

» The vast majority of people have not heard of Botswana, much less find it on a map. Try southern Africa. It doesn't have oil or valuable natural resources. Still, it isn't a basket case. Trade -- agriculture, cattle -- keeps its economy in the black.



The root of all evil

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 29/02/2016

» There are three kinds of people; (1) those who are told not to step on the third rail because it will electrocute them, and don't; (2) those who read the warning sign, and don't; (3) those who only believe what they experience themselves, and do.



Courtroom thrills

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 25/01/2016

» When I was a youngster, my father gave me a choice of careers: "Be a doctor or a lawyer. They help people and make good money, not necessarily in that order." He was stunned and disappointed when I replied that neither interested me. I wanted to teach history.



The Dragon Lady?

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 07/05/2012

» First ladies _ wives of presidents and prime ministers _ have generally been innocuous. On display during election time, they then faded into the background. Few made a name for themselves afterwards, most notably Hillary Rodham Clinton, appointed secretary of state when her husband was no longer in the White House.