Search Result for “tops”

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Seductively mysterious

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 29/04/2022

» Marvel fans who aren't familiar with the comic books probably think they know every single hero in the MCU universe. Over the years, Sony has had the opportunity to buy rights to many Marvel characters, but only picked the likes of Iron Man, Thor, and Spider-Man because they thought nobody would be interested in the more obscure heroes.



This year was a long, winding stream

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 21/12/2021

» As 2021 moves towards its fateful end, it has been another year of mostly staying home and watching movies rather than at theatres due to the never-ending pandemic. However, movie lovers in Thailand have been introduced to many different streaming services including Netflix, HBO GO and most recently Disney+ Hotstar, each featuring their own original and impressive roster of movies, series, animations and documentaries. All through this year, these services have kept us on our favourite couch at home while we enjoy their massive libraries.



A mother's instinct

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 10/12/2021

» When we think of abusive relationships, our minds often imagine physical violence leading to black eyes or bruised lips, but in reality, there's much more to it than that. It can also involve mental, emotional, and verbal abuse. If you watch the trailer of the new miniseries Maid, it might look depressing or even a public service announcement about domestic abuse but don't let that scare you away because Maid will get you hooked on its plot in minutes. I spent 10 hours binge-watching in one sitting. Maid is one of those shows that has that effect on you. This drama is powerful, heartbreaking, inspiring, and absolutely one of the best shows on Netflix I've seen all year.



The stars align in Red Notice

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 07/12/2021

» Whether you are a fan of big-budget action or heist genre films, seeing massive Hollywood stars like Ryan Reynolds, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Gal Gadot plastered on the poster of the latest Netflix original Red Notice felt like a no-brainer crowd pleaser. And it's true, as the film is now among the top five most-watched titles on the service, and has already logged 277.9 million hours within less than two weeks of its release.



An unthrilling thriller

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 05/11/2021

» If you believe your life is in great danger and have been followed by a serial killer who you knew has an ability to hypnotise victims through a phone call, would you answer a call from an unknown number in the middle of the night? If the answer is still yes, then the new psychological thriller Hypnotic is for you.



Re-birth of a sci-fi classic

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 29/10/2021

» It feels like ages since David Lynch's 1984 version of Dune, an epic space action film based on the 1965 science fiction novel of the same name by Frank Herbert, was released. Often referred to as a mature version of Star Wars, the Dune franchise is big. The books are known for their complexity and are filled with lore, exposition and backstories that many fans felt was impossible to translate into a big-screen film.



A close-up look at Bangkok's dark side

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 15/09/2021

» The largest and most populous city in Thailand, Bangkok is well-known as a perfect tourist destination and street food paradise with plenty of friendly faces. But just like any other big city around the world, only people who actually live here understand that Bangkok can be a facade. On one side is a glamorous city, but the other side presents a very dark place.



A week without inhibitions

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 10/09/2021

» We have all met people on vacation that became friends we partied with once and then lost touch afterwards. But what would happen if you became friends with crazy people and they followed you back to your wedding? Well, that's what happens in Vacation Friends, a raw and raunchy comedy that was just released on Disney+ Hotstar this week.



Bold and intoxicating

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 03/09/2021

» Better late than never as they say. Cruella, Disney's latest live-action film featuring Emma Stone which premiered in the US in May and skipped theatrical release in Thailand after being postponed several times due to Covid-19, finally lands on Disney+ Hotstar today.



Interdimensional adventures

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 10/08/2021

» We're currently halfway through the fifth season of Rick And Morty and the show is still going strong. This time, the 10-episode season has no breaks. That's right, they're not breaking the season in half as they did for Season 4 between 2019 and 2020 due to Covid-19.