Search Result for “tops”

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Pulling left? The simple fix you need to know

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 14/08/2024

» A hook doesn't hurt the average golfer, it's the pulled hook that hurts. If your drive flies straight and hooks towards the end, don't worry about it. However, if your ball starts off immediately to the left, and then hooks, look for some help immediately.



Embrace your style, choose right coach

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 07/08/2024

» You won't learn anything by playing with players who are not as good as you. In competition try to be yourself, don't try to become someone you're not -- in other words if your normal demeanour is loose and joking beware of switching to a serious Ben Hogan type.



7-iron can transform your game

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 12/06/2024

» Finish with your forearms in front of you. A good finish shows what has gone on before it, let your head come up to look at the good shot. On your follow-through, the right foot merely helps to hold your balance. If you lose your balance whilst trying to do a perfect swing it is probably because your grip is too weak or too tight or both.



ONE Lumpinee tops combat sports TV ratings

Published on 23/05/2024

» ONE Lumpinee has continued its lengthy reign at the top of Thai combat sports television ratings, according to the latest Nielsen report.



The crucial role of foot positioning

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 15/05/2024

» To start any golf swing a forward press of some sort is required to start the action. Naturally we don't start many movements from a dead start. Your hands, hips, shoulders and legs will rock forward a little bit to help the reaction that gives the momentum needed for the backswing. This initiates the turn and the shift of the weight to the right foot; your hands will follow your turn into the backswing and your left heel will rise.



From swing flaws to success: Fixing hitting from the top

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 24/04/2024

» The question a golf coach must consistently deal with is how to persuade their student to stop hitting from the top without becoming too technical or offering more advice than can be absorbed just in one session. I'm aware of five ways of conveying this feeling, one of which is to ask the student to try and hit the ball on the toe of the club for a while. Another is to place two balls on the ground about two inches apart and have the student hit the inside ball without touching the other.


The pitfalls of 'Hitting From the Top'

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 17/04/2024

» Players have managed to play well with a 'Hitting From the Top' action despite this flaw. But because some players are athletic enough to make a compensation move, they can get away with it, which doesn't make it any less disastrous for the average golfer. No one has found an instant cure for this particular ailment. Here is a list of things that cause Hitting From the Top; your grip is too weak, especially the left hand. Misuse of your forearms, meaning the use of the wrists instead of the forearms at the beginning of the backswing and at impact.



Dispelling myths about head position

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 10/04/2024

» Stay behind the ball is an old saying golfers hear often but show me a player who doesn't move their head during a swing. As all the top players move their heads slightly backwards before and during impact -- never forward.



The correct way to cock your wrists

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 06/03/2024

» I like to see an early wrist cock, but l hesitate, when coaching, to overstate this movement with my students because so many become so entranced with getting their wrists cocked that they forget the rest of the swing. Concentrating just on the wrist cock will mess up other important movements.



Let your left heel come up for real free flowing swing

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 21/02/2024

» A retired golfer has the time to practise the short game. Short shots don't require strength or flexibility. Certainly, the older golfer can't hit the ball as far as the younger player but once you reach the fringe of the green young and old become no worse than equals. Nothing sharpens your focus and improves your touch if you just use one ball in practice for getting up and down.