Search Result for “times cheaper”

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Asean on screen

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 02/09/2020

» Ahead of the BAFF featuring Southeast Asian movies plus Chinese and Japanese titles, Life spoke with two filmmakers about their work



A summer of fun

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 05/04/2019

» Summer is here -- like that's not at all obvious. As the heat bears down on all of us Bangkokians, the temptation to simply spend these hellish days locked up in our rooms with the AC turned high (or is it low? You get what I mean) while we cuddle in our blankets and binge hours and hours on end of Netflix shows is strong. But that doesn't have to be the case. There's still a bunch of enjoyable things to do around the city despite the heat. In fact, they're not only fun, but they're perfect things to during the summer time. So stop being a lazy bum, get off that couch and outta the house, and don't worry, you can still have your ice cream. Here's a few summer activities to get you up and going during this heatwave.



Let there be light

Muse, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 23/12/2017

» If there is one thing Hungary is becoming known for, it is how this neoclassical, landlocked country is unexpectedly becoming the capital of projection mapping artists. Four prominent groups which hail from Budapest are considered among the top 10 projection artists in the world, and Limelight, which has created the "Beautiful Bangkok" 3D mapping currently showing on the Magnolias Ratchadamri Boulevard, is also one of those pioneers.



Fun on a bun

B Magazine, Published on 27/09/2015

» A small group of young office employees in smart suits gathered in front of the Thaniya Building shortly before lunchtime. Despite a range of air-conditioned restaurants at that end of Silom Road, these yuppies were happy to queue under a hot sun while waiting for their meal.


Truevisions fights to overcome EPL loss

Jon Fernquest, Published on 08/01/2013

» Losing television rights for most important football league makes keeping high-end subscribers & even survival difficult for TrueVisions.



Oh Christmas tree...

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 25/12/2011

» One festive symbol everyone seems to love is the Christmas tree and sales of the artificial type are soaring here in Thailand.