Search Result for “time”

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Zombies as a mid-life metaphor

B Magazine, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 25/03/2018

» Most of us still remember her from E.T. -- and that was 36 years ago, when she was seven and playing a girl who connects with the wrinkly extraterrestrial on a quest to go home. She also went on to play a sexy seducer in Poison Ivy (1992), one of Charlie's Angels (2000), a girl with a short-term memory in 50 First Dates (2004), and an accidental songwriter in Music and Lyrics ( 2007).



Red Sparrow never quite takes flight

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 02/03/2018

» Some stories are just told in the wrong medium. We've all come across one at some point; a series that feels like it could've been told in two compact hours, or a film that lays down so much groundwork for interesting developments that it simply can't give every subplot the necessary room to grow. Red Sparrow, the new spy thriller from director Francis Lawrence, falls into the latter category. With its gripping and violent story of espionage and sex, bolstered by an all-star cast of award-winning actors, Red Sparrow's downfall is the fact that there simply isn't enough room in its considerable run-time -- well over two hours -- to do its own world justice.



Black Panther's not just another Marvel money-grab

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 16/02/2018

» Since Doctor Strange, released in 2016, Marvel has been on an impressive roll. The studio's next three films -- Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, Spiderman: Homecoming and Thor: Ragnarok -- were all critically acclaimed successes, praised for their creativity and refreshing tweaks to the usual superhero formula. The films were a much-needed second wind to the ever-bloated Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), proving to audiences that even after more than 15 films, there is still room for us to be wowed by the studio's colourful and bombastic superhero shenanigans.



Kawaii in Krungthep

B Magazine, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 04/02/2018

» Nowadays, you'd be hard pressed to walk five steps without overhearing someone gushing about their favourite BNK48 idol, or humming the band's indelible earworm Koisuru Fortune Cookie. The all-girl group has emerged as the pop sensation of the moment in Thailand.



In a world of their own

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 01/02/2018

» The little pleasures are always the best ones. Running your hand over a smooth stone or metal surface, seeing a lid sit perfectly flush with the lip of a pot, these seemingly simple manifestations of perfection, of symmetry, are what help us make sense of the confusion that is life.



Living forever

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 30/01/2018

» A new scientific study has been published on the upper limits of the human lifespan. While medical advances continue to lengthen the average time a human stays alive on Earth, scientists have determined that the maximum age a human can likely survive is no longer than 120 years, due to physical imperfections in the gene-replication process. Like all things borne of flesh, our bodies can only alter the natural force of entropy for so long before we break down forever.



Technology is not the enemy

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 05/01/2018

» Over the New Year holidays, Netflix gifted subscribers with the latest season of Black Mirror, the popular sci-fi anthology series well-known for its shocking plot twists, macabre subject-matter and dystopian look on how technology could impact our lives.



Let the Star Wars hype begin

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 14/12/2017

» December is the month of Christmas -- and something else too -- Star Wars.



Up, up and way off

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 17/11/2017

» Amid the incoherent plot, awkward writing, choppy pacing and the dullest villain in recent memory, Justice League shows glimmers of what could have been.



Method in the madness

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 10/11/2017

» Whether it be Hannibal Lector, Norman Bates or even the Joker, psychopaths have long been some of the most fascinating characters in all of pop culture. As terrifying as they supposedly are, there is also a mystique to their madness, one that exists on the cusp of comprehensibility, divided only by that thin, elusive border we call sanity or morality or compassion.