Search Result for “three units”

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Speeding Lamborghini causes tollway pileup

Online Reporters, Published on 05/11/2022

» A red-plate Lamborghini driven by a Singaporean man caused a minor pileup on the Don Muang Tollway on Saturday morning, resulting in five injuries.



Luxury Car Makers Drive Formula One to Survive

Business, Published on 27/06/2022

» Formula One motor racing might be just the kind of noisy marketing tool luxury car makers need in the hush of the electric era.



Gold and glam

Guru, Pasavat Tanskul, Published on 16/11/2018

» Last weekend, eager Bangkokians finally got a chance to wander through the massively enchanting Iconsiam retail and entertainment centre. Co-developed between Siam Piwat, Magnolia Quality Development Corporation and Charoen Pokphand Group, Iconsiam is the biggest retail complex in Thailand, featuring majestic architecture and global stores with luxury brands to provide a shopping experience unlike any other (minus the heavy traffic that comes with it).



Toyota head aims to steer EV market

Business, Piyachart Maikaew, Published on 29/11/2017

» The government policy to promote the country's automotive industry as a hub for electric vehicles (EV) has Toyota Motor Thailand, the local unit of the Japanese car maker, optimistic about future hybrid car manufacturing here.


Mitsubishi guns for top 3 in Thai market

Business, Piyachart Maikaew, Published on 29/07/2017

» Mitsubishi Motors Thailand is keeping its aggressive business outlook in the medium term, aiming to become one of the top three brands in the local car market.



Time to move up

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 01/05/2017

» Asian steelmakers should focus on innovation and value-added products to combat a possible influx of cheap steel diverted from the United States if Washington imposes anti-dumping duties on steel imports from Asia, industry executives say.


Trump tantrums keep traders on edge, SET dips

Business, Nuntawun Polkuamdee, Published on 06/02/2017

» Recap: World stock markets retreated as investors shied away from riskier assets over renewed concerns about US President Donald Trump's controversial ban on refugees and travellers from seven Muslim-majority countries and protectionist rhetoric that fanned fears of a global trade war. Buying ahead of corporate earnings releases and hopes for dividend payments cushioned the Thai stock market against a steep fall.



2017 Nissan Note E-Power hybrid review

Life, Richard Leu, Published on 26/12/2016

» Taking global trends for small cars into consideration, the diesel engine may not be a feasible option in the future. Combine that with high development costs, and small cars have wafer-thin margins.



Getting the green light on electric cars

Spectrum, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 30/10/2016

» As of Sept 30, Thailand had 52 electric sedans on the road. There are roughly 1.3 million electric cars on the roads worldwide, but with fears batteries will flatten in traffic or flooding will lead to lasting damage, Thai drivers have been slow on the uptake.



2016 New cars

Life, Richard Leu, Published on 04/01/2016

» What to expect from the big marques this year, everything from an Ecocar up to a 1,500hp hypercar.