Search Result for “three days”

Showing 161 - 164 of 164


Smallroom Big Music

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 24/02/2012

» Amid the hordes of K-pop clones, 15-minute stars from talent shows, and manufactured pop idols, indie music label Smallroom stands tall for making small players big in the Thai music industry. Gender-bending Gene Kasidit's solo debut Affairs ranges from electro rock to drum 'n' bass and disco, layered with personal verse. Slur has hooked many with their blend of rock and pop. The Richman Toy doesn't play around with their upbeat rock and roll and humorous lyrics. The label will host a free concert to celebrate its 12th anniversary titled "Til These Days" tomorrow (see Shows, P23). We talk to different roomies in the Smallroom to see how the label has enjoyed enduring success.


Off the beaten track

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 17/02/2012

» There are certain must-see attractions for first-time visitors to Thailand: Patpong, Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Khao San Road, an elephant show, ladyboy cabaret, Hua Hin, a Full Moon party, some more beaches... But with all this distraction, visitors might miss out on the atypical attractions your average tour guide doesn't know about. To do our part in promoting the miracle that is Thai tourism, we have selected five lesser-known villages where visitors can discover Thais living in unique ways.


In the name of love

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 10/02/2012

» Love is indeed a strange and powerful force. It can make us do crazy things like stare at the phone willing our darling to call for the fifth time of the day. It can make us spend a year's salary impressing our khun noo girlfriend with an LV bag despite an unwavering credit card debt. It can drive us to hide in the bushes behind the object of our affection's house, going through their trash in the hope of finding a lock of their hair to use in a love spell.


Alternative ways

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 03/02/2012

» Although we're all budding non-materialistic Buddhists, we need money and can always use more of it. And while most of us try to get a degree and become a white-collar salary slave, some people have made serious baht in more imaginative ways. Besides drug trafficking (which we strongly advise against), here are six unconventional ways people have generated their dough.