Search Result for “three”

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Recruitment fraud has serious consequences for employers

Tom Sorensen, Published on 14/05/2019

» Have you ever been cheated, exploited, manipulated and jerked around by a candidate or applicant who wanted a job in your organisation? You may have, but perhaps you don’t know?


Why a top candidate rejected a job offer

Tom Sorensen, Published on 11/02/2019

» Here you are, this is for you: Recruiters, HR professionals and hiring managers. You will get lots of learning points in this unbelievable real-life story of why a candidate declined a job offer from a famous brand name in the industry.



Three things most HR Managers still don't get

Tom Sorensen, Published on 17/12/2018

» You will be surprised when you read this. Something so simple as knowing the Thai Labour law inside out. You would expect that from HR, right?



Look good, be good: Dress to impress at the job interview

Tom Sorensen, Published on 19/11/2018

» You must have heard the saying that a first impression can make or break a business opportunity or relationship. That includes anything from meeting customers, pitching your business to new clients, to dating for a romantic partner, and of course very much to job interviewing.



The consequences of cheating and lying on your resume

Tom Sorensen, Published on 23/04/2018

» When a man we'll call Sombat was offered and accepted a CFO position for one of my multi-national clients, he was obviously ecstatic and over the moon. Half a million baht per month in salary, company car with driver, big bonus and share options. You get the picture. Fast forward just a few weeks and Sombat was fired even before his first working day. To make matters worse, he had already given notice to his current employer, so in less than a month he lost two jobs.



How a wrong handshake will eliminate you as a candidate

Tom Sorensen, Published on 28/03/2018

» I bet you say hello and extend your greetings when meeting another person. But which greeting, I may ask. It could be a wai if you are Thai, a bow if you are Japanese, la bise (cheek kiss) to good friends if you are French, or a firm handshake if you are American.



Candidates on blind dates

Tom Sorensen, Published on 27/11/2017

» Blind dates are sometimes good, usually bad, and always weird at the beginning. So are many interviews between a candidate and a hiring company. If you have never been on one yourself, a blind date is when a friend sets you up to meet a mystery person that you don’t know.



The seven year itch in recruitment

Tom Sorensen, Published on 06/11/2017

» It is said that 50% of marriages, or more, end in divorce. That's a scary prospect which makes many think hard before proposing or walking down the aisle.



Headhunters don't take the rap for clients' behaviour

Tom Sorensen, Published on 02/10/2017

» If you want to know how to jerk the headhunter around, how to make recruiters hate you, how to toy with them and lie to them, or how you lead them to believe one thing while meaning another, promise them something when you really have no intention of keeping your word, then the following will tell it all.



6 reasons why you should hire job hoppers

Tom Sorensen, Published on 28/08/2017

» Before you think we have gone totally mad, suggesting you should start hiring job hoppers, check out this data from the US Bureau of Labour Statistics: the average worker today will stay in a job for 4.4 years. It gets worse: the tenure of the youngest employees entering the work force is predicted to be only 2.2 years per job.