Search Result for “the judgement”

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Getting effective solutions from the board

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 17/01/2023

» It is common knowledge that working as a team can result in an outstanding performance beyond what a highly capable person can achieve alone. The same is true for a corporate board of directors.


What great leaders do differently: Caring for their people

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 29/06/2017

» Rightly or wrongly, bosses and their direct reports tend not to get along that well in many workplaces. There is a kind of invisible barrier preventing them from getting closer and sharing their views, both work-related and personal. From my observation and direct experience, suggesting that a subordinate get closer to the boss is not easy. Working the other way around -- encouraging the boss to reach out to the subordinate -- is more promising.



Communicate with your heart, not your head

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 04/05/2017

» Communication is an essential part of working life. Human beings communicate through both verbal expression and body language. Listening attentively and being engaged with others are vital to success. The way one takes part in a discussion tells others whether he or she is drawing near or not. One who lends an ear draws near, as the saying goes. By drawing near, one clearly knows, comprehends and realises one's quality.


Spiritual intelligence and business success

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 15/01/2015

» 'I remember making a speech in Malaysia in 1997, when I shared my view on spiritual intelligence. The audience members all rose up and said, 'Tell us more'," Danah Zohar tells me. "I was so excited that I called my late husband back in England right after the session and said, 'Ian, I know what our next book is going to be. It will be on Spiritual Intelligence.'