Search Result for “the judgement”

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Why perfectionism is a foe of creativity and innovation

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 15/09/2016

» Perfectionists, be warned: this article isn't perfect. I started it around midnight a few days ago when I first got the idea. I continued working on it in a coffee shop the next morning, and completed it in between two meetings, all the while knowing it wouldn't be perfect.


Message in a bottle: How to become a more fluent creative thinker (Part 2)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 01/09/2016

» Two weeks ago, we discussed how your inner critic prevents you from being a fluent creative thinker, leading you to produce only a few, typically ordinary ideas during an ideation exercise. This is because your inner voice of judgement dismisses any uncommon or wild ideas.


How to become a more fluent creative thinker (Part 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 18/08/2016

» How much of a fluent creative thinker are you? What is standing in your way to becoming a more fluent creative thinker? How can you enhance your creative fluency? Let's seek answers to these questions in today's column as well as the next.


Why using one creative process stage leads to dull ideas

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 26/05/2016

» When you "brainstorm" for ideas with a team, do you typically deliver conventional ideas that -- if you're honest -- you could have obtained without dedicating so much extra time? Well, the reason you ended up with these ordinary low-hanging fruits doesn't mean that you and your teammates are not creative. Rather, it means that you used an ineffective process -- if you used a process at all.


How to innovate with a human touch

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 12/11/2015

» What is the smallest common denominator that you, I and all other readers of this article have in common? We're human. Being human means we all share a set of human wants and needs, values and emotions that represent the essence of humanness. Let's discuss how we may create more meaningful innovations by playing on the human factor.


10 Ways to Turn Everyday Moments into Creative Inspirations

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 29/10/2015

» Here you go again: You face a creative challenge and you desperately need ideas on how to resolve it. You think hard, but the harder you think, the more blocked you become. But have you ever realised that your everyday life is overflowing with creative inspirations? You can easily turn these cues into ideas for your challenge, provided you're open and receptive to all those creative stimuli that await at every corner. Today, let me share with you 10 everyday moments to inspire ideas for a creative challenge you need to resolve.


Creativity along the road less travelled

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 02/04/2015

» 'Two roads diverged in a wood and I — I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference", wrote Robert Frost in "The Road Not Taken".


Are you really who other people think you are?

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 19/06/2014

» A few weeks ago, I was in Hong Kong to teach a few classes and to meet with some companies. While there, I demonstrated my company’s new innovation profiling method, which categorises people’s innovation styles. One person who saw the demo thought people might try to skew their results and suggested a way to prevent that.


The well-kept secrets of Idea Development

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 24/04/2014

» In the last column, we discussed the five levels of creativity necessary to produce outstanding innovation. One of those is idea development. Unfortunately, few people know that this level even exists, and even fewer know how to master it. Why?


As ye decide, So shall ye innovate (Part 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 11/04/2013

» Here's a question for you: What organisation do you think is more likely to be a creative organisation: One where most decisions are made by a few individuals high at the top of the organisational hierarchy? Or one where decision-making is spread throughout the hierarchy, and decision authority is delegated and shared?