Search Result for “the judgement”

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The midlife crisis

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 09/03/2018

» What newlyweds with stars in their eyes aren't told by their elders is that there will be speed bumps in the marriage. One of the more common is the so-called seven-year-itch. The figure is approximate and refers to either or both parties being irresistibly drawn to others several years into a relationship. Usually he or she does nothing about -- but if they do, they take lovers.


A Cold War thriller

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 26/01/2017

» The time was when visiting the USSR was difficult and leaving it impossible. Lenin and Stalin had built the ideal state and close contact with the outside world would only contaminate it. Until Hitler offered a deal they couldn't refuse -- to slice up Poland between them.



A new practice

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 07/03/2016

» The first lesson every recruit learns is keep your head down and never volunteer. There are 22 ranks above yours and all give you orders. They don't want to hear a word out of you, except "Yes, sergeant" or "Yes, sir". It's been like this since ancient times. Don't even think. It is not what you are in the army for.



Wealth of interviews

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 08/02/2016

» Interviewing was one of my functions back in the day. Rather than the top I focused on those lower on the totem-pole, accepting the common belief that everybody has a story to tell. The column appeared weekly. We didn't meet over a drink or during a meal. (I had no expense account.)


An honest lawyer

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 17/02/2014

» Truth be told — I’m a sucker for courtroom dramas. Inherit The Wind, Witness For The Prosecution and Judgement At Nuremberg are my all-time favourites. Some courtroom novels or plays are adapted to the screen, others made into movies or television shows. Many remain in book form.