Search Result for “thailand”

Showing 1 - 10 of 82


Flip-flop on treatment of exports of services

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 17/10/2017

» Trying to prove an export of services is quite elusive in respect of time and place, and different parties have different views on what should be considered as exportation for tax purposes. For this reason, the number of problems encountered in applying zero-rated value-added tax (VAT) to services has reached epic levels.


Deductibility of guaranteed amounts by fund sponsors

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 03/10/2017

» Property funds have long been popular with investors in Thailand, where the mutual-fund structure is being phased out and funds are being converted to real estate investment trusts or REITs. Raising funds from investors through such vehicles often involves a guarantee from the originator to increase confidence in the investment. This can be the starting point for problems on the tax front.


Changing rules for applying foreign tax credits

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 12/07/2017

» One of the original principles outlined in the OECD Model Tax Convention is that no taxpayer should be taxed repeatedly on the same amount of income earned from a cross-border transaction. This situation is referred to as "juridical double taxation" -- where income is subject to taxes under the jurisdictions of more than one state.


Understanding the tax liabilities of partners in an unincorporated joint venture

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 27/06/2017

» In doing business via a joint venture, knowing the tax implications could help you avoid potentially perilous situations. This includes understanding corporate laws that may affect the tax liabilities of the partners.



Looking for tax incentives? Make sure you comply

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 13/06/2017

» Tax incentives can be as sweet as honey, but making a mistake in compliance, inadvertently or otherwise, can leave a taste as bitter as gall. Corporate taxpayers have learned this painful lesson in light of court rulings on the tax treatment of losses carried forward from Board of Investment-promoted businesses.


New tax legislation to comply with Fatca

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 16/05/2017

» On March 4 last year, Thailand and the United States entered into an agreement to improve international tax compliance and to implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Fatca), which Washington introduced in 2010 in an attempt to discourage tax evasion by US citizens holding assets abroad.



When the spirit of the law shines

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 02/05/2017

» The current government has been trying very hard to make Thailand a jurisdiction that places more emphasis on substance and less on surface appearances. This is evident in recent legal reforms, but the attitudes of state authorities remain problematic. Many seem to believe that in order to be patriotic, the private sector must submit to any extra conditions that authorities impose above and beyond the legal framework.



Turning entrepreneurs into corporate entities

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 07/03/2017

» February was a busy month in terms of new tax legislation. But this is just the beginning, as the director-general of the Revenue Department has also announced an ambitious plan to study extending Thailand's tax jurisdiction to overseas traders in cross-border e-commerce transactions. The idea is to generate tax revenue from online businesses, as the current legislation does not allow Thailand to tax foreign traders not doing business within the country.



Tougher measures against tax dodgers

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 21/02/2017

» The world is entering a new era in which national tax authorities are joining hands to set up a system to hound those who dodge paying their fair share of tax by applying unacceptable tax-planning schemes.



New measures to improve well-being and business opportunities

Business, Lawalliance Limited Company, Published on 07/02/2017

» This year has started with some legislation aimed at improving tax treatment and allowances to enhance the well-being of people in general, and to add to Thailand's charm as a target for business investors.