Search Result for “thailand”

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8 reasons why you should hang-up when a headhunter calls

Tom Sorensen, Published on 12/03/2018

» If you think that recruiters help you to find a job, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you: executive search firms and recruitment companies find candidates for jobs -- they do not find jobs for candidates. May I say, don't shoot the messenger please (read: me).



When the recruiting process is like a Marathon

Tom Sorensen, Published on 19/02/2018

» Just last week I received a message from a senior executive candidate. He told me that he was pulling out of the hiring process for a managing director position at a multi-national company who had contacted him directly. He explained that he and other top candidates met the client six weeks ago and to-date no decision or not even an update has been forthcoming.



What’s your New Year career resolution?

Tom Sorensen, Published on 01/02/2018

» Being in Asia, there is little in the weather which tells you that we are once again in the month of January. The festive holiday season is now behind us and you may have thought of your own personal calendar New Year or Chinese New Year resolutions. It’s the time for reflecting on the changes we all want in the coming year.



6 crazy resume mistakes of all time

Tom Sorensen, Published on 08/01/2018

» It's a New Year, and perhaps with a new list of resolutions to accomplish and a personal goal or otherwise to improve your life. If you have a new job on your resolution's list, this article will help you get started off on the right foot.



8 ways to evaluate a headhunter in 30 seconds

Tom Sorensen, Published on 18/12/2017

» You know the feeling when a headhunter calls you. If you ever got the call that is. You feel a sense of pride and excitement. You think to yourself: “finally, someone found me, someone discovered my talent, the big salary and company car are coming my way, the neighbours will surely notice my new status, my spouse and children will acknowledge how smart I am. I should go buy a lottery ticket today.”



Candidates on blind dates

Tom Sorensen, Published on 27/11/2017

» Blind dates are sometimes good, usually bad, and always weird at the beginning. So are many interviews between a candidate and a hiring company. If you have never been on one yourself, a blind date is when a friend sets you up to meet a mystery person that you don’t know.



The seven year itch in recruitment

Tom Sorensen, Published on 06/11/2017

» It is said that 50% of marriages, or more, end in divorce. That's a scary prospect which makes many think hard before proposing or walking down the aisle.



What to do when the headhunter calls you

Tom Sorensen, Published on 09/10/2017

» So the headhunter called you? The way we all link up on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and other business and social networks, it was just a matter of time before you too got the call. But now what? Most headhunters appreciate that you don't play hard to get.



Headhunters don't take the rap for clients' behaviour

Tom Sorensen, Published on 02/10/2017

» If you want to know how to jerk the headhunter around, how to make recruiters hate you, how to toy with them and lie to them, or how you lead them to believe one thing while meaning another, promise them something when you really have no intention of keeping your word, then the following will tell it all.



Should I trust my gut feeling when hiring people?

Tom Sorensen, Published on 11/09/2017

» Using your gut is similar to scratching the surface of something; to examine and discover only the superficial aspects of something, or in this case a candidate. We call it the "Four A Syndrome", because when you trust your gut, you are assessing a candidate's presentation skills over business performance and substance.