Search Result for “thai celebrity”

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Peace comes at last to prince(ss) of pandas

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 22/09/2019

» To the casual observer, the news of the death of a panda bear in Chiang Mai last Monday may have elicited queries as to why it attracted such prominent media coverage.



How I became a one-man reality show

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 26/11/2017

» If Hollywood sitcom writers ever feel hard up for new ideas, they may like to pop over to my house for inspiration. I am sharing my leafy mansion with my 20-year-old Thai niece. Let's call her Gift, since she would be mortified if I used her real name, though that would require her reading this column, something the average 20-year-old Thai apparently doesn't care to do on a Sunday.



Sex appeal on tap

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 05/11/2017

» Greetings from Brisbane, Australia! Brisbane is the capital city of Queensland, the only Australian state with more farmers than city folk. This results in some curious salutations even more bizarre than the usual "g'day-mate-how-ya-goin".



Mae Ya Nang needs help

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 24/09/2017

» One of my staff bought a car a few days ago. It's a second-hand Nissan Silphy, which according to the old owner is "as good as new", a statement one must take with Goderich, Ontario, the largest operating salt mine in the world. Nevertheless, my staff member is thrilled to be paying 8,000 baht a month to a finance company for the rest of his working life.



Three twerks in time save nine

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 18/06/2017

» Back in January 1956, a young unknown American singer named Elvis Presley released his first single called Heartbreak Hotel.



A skytrain to deafness and brain death

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 05/03/2017

» That unexpected fire at the Thai-Belgian flyover caused havoc with inner-city traffic on Wednesday. That was the evening of Sundowners, the monthly meeting of Austcham (the Australian Chamber of Commerce) at the Grand Hyatt Erawan. It was also the evening Austcham was having its presidential elections, but how to get there?



Out for the count

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 29/01/2017

» I met Owen on my recent trip to Nakhon Phanom, a border province way, way up in the far Northeast. Owen is eight years old. He's in Grade 4 at the local primary school. Owen sat with his mother and when the novelty of having a farang in the house started to wear off and conversation waned, I turned to Nong Owen and asked in Thai:



How I became a top twit

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 27/11/2016

» I am at the end of my little English lesson. Are there any questions? "What does 'womaniser' mean in English?" tweets one young lady. That certainly came out of the blue. On this overcast Tuesday afternoon I was expecting something a little easier to answer, such as the difference between "house" and "home" or how to translate kreng jai into English.



Bent out of shape

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 06/11/2016

» This week I did something as perennial as tulips blooming in the Dutch spring. I decided to head back to the gym. I need to get all buff for my flight home to Australia in late December. That’s pathetic, I know, but allow me to have my dreams.



Mum is not always right

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 16/10/2016

» What a difference a week makes. Seven days out of Thailand and on my return the entire country -- well, the staff at my school at least -- is in the grip of a moral dilemma.